Catch Fire and Burn

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A/N: So anxious to end this story already 😂



Louis didn't ask why the twins weren't there when he came back later that night. He didn't even mention them. Harry wondered if it was because of his outburst in the car or if Louis already knew what he did.

Either way, he won't speak of it until Louis brings it up.

"How's Zayn doing? Were they able to save his hand?" Harry asked, waiting patiently under the covers of Louis' bed. Louis began undressing, letting out a sigh.

"He was still in surgery when I left but they said that they'll be able to save it. He should make a full recovery. He won't be able to do anything physical for a long time though with his left hand so I won't be sending him out anywhere." Louis said, climbing into bed beside Harry. He pulled Harry into his arms, despite the boy's struggles. "I got myself checked at a clinic while I waited, I'm fine. I don't have any diseases so let me hold you." Louis pouted, smiling when Harry stopped trying to get away from him.

"So when can he come home?" Louis shrugged.

"He'll probably have to stay there for a few weeks until the wound heals and then some physical therapy after that for a few years to completely get full motion back in his hand." Harry nodded, placing his head on Louis' chest.

"I want to go see him tomorrow." Harry felt Louis tense but he continued. "I'll hide my face and you know I won't run away. Even if I wanted to run from you, which I don't, we both know you'd catch me again and lock me up in a cage or something. I'm not stupid, King." Louis smiled when Harry called him that. It had been a while since Harry called him that.

"Fine, but one peep and you'll regret it." Harry nodded.

"I know." Harry started tracing patterns on Louis' left arm, listening to his heartbeat. Sometimes Harry needed to do that to remind himself that Louis actually does have a heart.

"You need to apologize to him," Harry said after a few minutes of silence. He heard Louis' heart start beating faster, only for it to calm down a few seconds later.

"I know, I shouldn't have done that. I was just so angry at him and I couldn't think straight." Harry looked up at him, scanning his emotionless face.

"Do you regret it?"

"If he stays away from you, then no." Harry let out a disappointed sigh, but he should have known better.

Louis didn't get the implant so he couldn't feel remorse like Harry could.

"You're ridiculous, you know that?" Harry huffed, moving away to lay down on his side of the bed, pull the covers up to his chin. Louis put his hand in his hair, playing with his curls. Harry knew the older man was asking for him to forgive him, but asking verbally was out of the question.

"You and Zayn need to get this shit figured out. We can't keep having this go on for the rest of our lives."

"The rest of our lives?" Louis questioned, sliding under the covers to spoon Harry from behind. "You've really given up on getting away from me, haven't you?" Louis asked, and Harry could hear the smile on his face. Harry turned around in his hold, cupping Louis' cheeks with his hands.

"I told you I loved you, didn't I? Obviously I'm not planning on leaving the person I love." Harry pressed a sweet kiss to Louis' lips, pulling away a few moments later. "I'm going to bed now, we need to get up early and get him flowers or something as an apology from you." Louis nodded, but Harry stared at him pointedly. "The flowers aren't the apology, though. They're to butter him up. You need to actually, verbally apologize and you need to at least act like you mean it if you can't find enough guilt to actually feel remorseful." Louis nodded in defeat.

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