Going Under

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A/N: I'm sorry

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A/N: I'm sorry.


"Hey, wake up," Harry jumped awake when he heard Niall's voice calling to him. He looked around to see that he was in his new room, and Niall was sitting in front of him on a chair.

"I just got word that Louis is coming back early. Probably because of the pictures I sent him." Niall smirked, his eyes drinking in Harry's trembling figure.

"W-What pictures?" Niall pulled an envelope out of his pocket, throwing them at Harry. Harry reaches for the envelope hesitantly, opening it up while looking at Niall with confused distrust.

"Those. I wanted to show him what I did to you before he got here." Harry took the picture out and gasped as he looked at the photos.

There were so many.

"W-When? I know you took some the first two days but when—"

"When you passed out from pain or exhaustion. I felt like he should see how I gradually destroyed every part of you. Hopefully, he won't want you anymore." Harry gripped the blanket that was covering his body tightly. Harry looked back down at the picture and tears filled his eyes.

He looked so small and pathetic. So torn and used up. He took one, the first one, and ripped it. And then he continued until they were all destroyed. He furiously tore them to shreds, screaming as he cried.

When would he just be free of all this?

"I have copies of those, so even if you refuse to come with me, I'll have something to remember you by." Harry glared up at him, tears covering his face.

"Why? What do you have to g-gain from all this?!" Harry screamed at him. Niall sighed, leaning back in his seat comfortably with his ankle crossed above his knee.

"His hatred. His anger. His pain." Niall muttered, his blue orbs flickering in anger. Harry's anger suddenly switched to confusion.

"But why would you—"

"Why would I want that?" A small chuckle escaped his lips, but his face was stoic.

He got up and walked to the window, gazing out of it.

"He did something that I could never forgive. He is a cruel, heartless monster and I want to see him in pure and utter pain. And unfortunately for you, you're the only person that makes him feel anything. So, to hurt him, I had to hurt you." Niall continued to gaze outside where snow still covered the ground.

"W-What did he—"

"Forgive me, but I'm not in the mood to talk about it." Niall clicked his tongue. "Let's just say that he killed someone very precious to me. And for that, he needs to pay." Harry trembled as the tension in the room shifted. Niall's entire presence seemed to darken and it terrified Harry.

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