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A/N: so I entered Wattys2019 for some reason

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A/N: so I entered Wattys2019 for some reason. Never did that before so I was kind of like, why the hell not? So if you guys could support this story in that I would really appreciate it! Enjoy.xx


Harry couldn't stop trembling. The words George just spoke to him cause his heart to completely stop, nearly killing him.

He walked down the hallway with weak knees while his legs felt like jelly. He could feel his heart pounding, he could feel his blood pumping quickly through his body. His mind was a mess, he couldn't think of which way he was supposed to go.

Until he found the door, that fucking door that has a monster hidden behind it. A monster who haunts his nightmares. He reached for it hesitantly, but quickly retracting his hand back.

He didn't even want to touch the handle.

He placed his hand on it slowly before taking a deep breath, trying so desperately to keep himself calm.

He opened the door, coming face to face with blue eyes that scare him to hell and back.

"I didn't think you'd come." A hoarse voice rasped out, groaning in pain a few seconds later. Harry flinched harshly at his voice.

"Neither did I," he spoke quietly, surprised at his lack of stuttering. Niall simpered.

"I'm glad you did, there are a few things we need to discuss. Please, sit." Niall nodded towards a chair that was a good distance away from where he was laying in bed.

He looked so fragile and small with the cast on his left leg and arm. His head was bandaged up and so was his entire torso.

"Louis told me you left." Niall shook his head.

"Couldn't exactly do that with my injuries." Harry flinched at his voice, but sat down in the chair, preparing himself to run if he needed too.

"Why did you have George call me here? Why did you wait until now?" Harry was trembling and he knew Niall could see it. But instead of being smug about it like he thought, Niall seemed more depressed about it than anything.

"I didn't know he kidnapped you." Niall looked into his eyes. Harry saw regret and guilt in those blue orbs but he figure he was imagining it.

"What does that—"

"I wouldn't have touched you if I had known he kidnapped you. I'm so sorry." Niall interrupted Harry and tried to lean towards him, only to groan in pain.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked in confusion. "Why would it matter whether I was kidnapped or not?" Niall's eyes darken, looking out the window.

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