Natural Born Killer

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A/N: if this sucks I'm so sorry, I'm not used to writing these kinds of scenes so please let me know what you guys think! Enjoy!xx



"How's your hand feeling?" Harry asked, sitting down beside Zayn on the couch. Zayn, who had his left hand propped up on the arm of the sofa, shrugged, looking down at his tightly wrapped arm.

The stitched skin had finally started to heal back together. It's been weeks since the incident, but he was finally starting to recover. He just had to be careful not to put too much strain on it or he would loose it for good.

"Better..." he trailed off, looking over at Harry who was listening attentively. It made Zayn smile. Zayn grabbed Harry's hand, holding it tightly as he spoke. "I never got the chance to really thank you for what you did. You really stuck your neck out for me and I'll never forget it." Harry, a small blush coating his cheeks, squeezed his good hand back, smiling softly.

"I just did what I had to do—"

"You didn't have to do anything. He could have done the same thing to you, he could have forced you back into the basement. He could have killed both of us, but you put yourself in danger just to make sure he didn't kill me. Not to mention the fact that you got him to let us go to the hospital. I just needed to thank you for doing things you didn't have to do." Harry just smiled at him, nodding his head.

"You might see it that way, but you've saved me from a lot of pain too. We'll just call it even," Harry told him, pulling his hand away as he stood up. "I'm going to make dinner. Are burgers okay? I'm not feeling too fancy today," he told him, heading to the kitchen. Zayn watched him walk away, a sense of pride filling him.

He didn't think it would happen but Harry was surviving. He was living. When Louis first took Harry, he didn't think the poor lad with a tough family life would be able to live very long in their world. Despite how much Louis was obsessed with him, he figured it would only be a matter of time before he lost his temper and killed him.

But instead, Harry had survived death, torture, and assault to the highest degree and all with his mind still sane. He watched as bad people were destroyed, but also watched as someone he loved was dismembered and ripped apart right in front of him. He learned to fight, manipulate, subdue, and kill those who pose as a threat to him, even someone who he looked up to as a young child, in such a short amount of time.

He was honestly a miracle. And Zayn couldn't help but feel pride in his heart for how far he'd come.

"That's fine," Zayn said, standing up slowly to make sure he didn't bump his hand. He walked into the kitchen after Harry. Harry moved around the kitchen ever so gracefully, pulling ingredients out of the fridge and cabinets and setting them out for him to use later.

"So can I ask you something?" Zayn asked the lad, observing him as he cooked.

"That depends on the question," Harry replied, pulling out a pan to fry the meat on.

"Why didn't you want to know about the plan." Harry stumbled over his feet, only to catch and correct himself quickly. Zayn wouldn't have even noticed if he hadn't been staring at him.

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