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A/N: Short chapter but it had to be.xx


Neither of the men could really process what they were seeing. They've never been speechless at the sight of blood and gore, but this was too much. They've never seen someone they had such strong feelings for, be completely destroyed.

His body, mangled and lifeless, bleeding out all across the room. His organs and limbs spread all across the room. The room looked like it belonged in a Saw movie.

"It took you guys long enough." He grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood off of his face, still facing away from the men. He turned his head around to look at them with a sinister, amused smirk. "I know you wanted to do it yourself after seeing what we did, but I couldn't help myself. He was mine to kill and I wasn't letting him get away from me." Louis pointed the gun at his head causing him to laugh.

"How could you? I thought you loved him?" Louis spat out in disgust, his stomach turning in anger and disgust. He shrugged, kicking the torso that was in front of him.

"It was easy. I didn't want you to kill him so I did it myself."


As Gemma was driving to her location, she tried desperately to keep her mind on what she was going to do when she got there. She just couldn't.

Des was gone and now she may lose her mother, too. Harry's being held hostage and if she loses her mom, she'll be alone.

She had Zayn, but he'd been so distant for a month now. They hardly ever talk or see each other and Gemma was over it. She couldn't deal with a flaky person right now. But she needed him. To help her know what her brother was going through if nothing else.

She pulled up to the place she knew Leo was holding Harry and took a deep breath.

He had Harry now, and she was going to get him out.

He killed her father and probably now her mother and he was going to die for it.

She parked her car in the woods on the other side of the hill from where Leo's house was, trying to keep her presence unknown. She opened the glove compartment and grabbed the pistol she had stashed away in case someone was after her.

She took another deep breath before opening the door and stepping out, cocking the gun, and making sure it was ready to fire.

She walked up the hill, her eyes widening when she saw the chaos that was ensuing. IT was an all-out war. Men shooting each other, fighting each other in hand to hand combat. There were small fires breaking out everywhere and it was a total shit show.

"What the fuck happ—mph!" Gemma was startled when she felt a hand cover her mouth and another grabbed her by the waist, causing her to drop the gun. She screamed, trying to fight her way out of his grip, but she couldn't. She felt a pinch in her neck and then she suddenly became weak and tired, her vision blurring.

"You're quite unlucky. The boss wants to deal with you himself."


"Do you have it?" The man asked from behind him, a gun in his left hand. Thomas sucked in a deep breath as he looked at his friend, laying on her bed, deep in a coma.

"Please, she may not even remember anything or anyone when she wakes up—"

"The boss doesn't care, and quite frankly, neither do I. Do it, or I'll pay your lovely daughter a visit." Thomas finished at the mention of his daughter, turning to look at Anne's heart rate monitor, then back down at her.

"I'm so sorry." He took the cap off the needle and injected the poison into her I.V.

He watched as her body began to convulse, her heart rate skyrocketing. He watched as it started to slow down after a few minutes, her body starting to shut down. He stared at the monitor as she flatlined, reaching up to turn it off.

He turned around to glare at the man, but he was gone.

And now, so was she.


A/N: I'm so excited for the next chapter and I think you guys will be too! Love you guys, let me know what you think!

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