A Larry Story

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First of all, I'm sorry I haven't updated the second epilogue, it's taking a while.

Second, I would just like to thank everyone for being so incredibly supportive of this story and for the surprisingly few mean or hateful comments. When I started this with two other authors, I felt really safe that it would be good because I have two other people to help me write it and bounce ideas off of. But then they had to move on and I was on my own. It was really scary at first because I didn't know how the story was going to go. We had a general plan, but not everything was set. I really doubted myself more than a few times but you guys loved all the fucked up shit my mind created. I figured I would get a lot of hate comments but everyone has really been so sweet with the commenting and I really appreciate it.

That being said, I just read a comment about how a person hopes it doesn't end with Zarry because if they wanted a Zarry story, why would they waste their time reading a Larry story?

Look, I get it. If it says Larry, you don't want it to end with another ship. I'm not arguing that. I've felt the same way about other stories I've read. But writing this story made me realize why it was okay for stories to not end with the main ship.

A story isn't just about the ending. The entire story has been about Harry and his relationship with Louis. Yes, it's been about his relationship with Zayn but that was never the main focus. It was always Harry and Louis and how they were going to react to a situation concerning the other. The story was about the ups and downs of their relationship. It was a story about how fucked up they are.  The story is about Harry and Louis. It's their story. Which is why this is titled as a Larry story. And every story has an ending. Even Larry's story.

So even if I do end it with just Zarry, which I'm not saying it will, it's still a Larry story. Just because the ending may or may not end with the people you expected it to bring together, doesn't make the overall story is not about them. It's their story. And every story has an ending even if it doesn't end up the way you want it.

Okay, that was my rant. I'm not upset about this part of the comment, but I figured a lot of people might be thinking the same thing so I figured that I would address it in case others feel the same.

The epilogue will be up at some point this weekend.

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