Chapter 1

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It was sixth period and Millie was starring at the clock wanting school to be over. She is tapping her pencil on the desk just wanting the period to be over. She looks at the board and sees her teacher explaining the lesson. Everyone seems out of it either falling asleep, daydreaming or just doodling on their paper not really paying attention to the teacher at all.

"All right everyone for homework i want you guys to review pages 150-160 as there will be a test next week on that topic." said Ms. Dyer making everyone groan and complain since nobody wants to have to do hw during the weekend. 

The bell rings making everyone rush out of the classroom. Millie immediately puts her things away and walks out. She goes to her locker to put her books away and then goes to Sadie's locker.

"Hey sads" Millie said happily

"Hey" Sadie said as she put her stuff away.

"So whats the plan today?" asked Millie

"Well we decided to go to the movies" said Sadie

"Awesome. Whos going?" 

"Oh you know Maddie, Lilia, Caleb, Gaten, Noah and Finn", Sadie said but said Finn's name real quick and in a whisper.

"What?! Why is he going?" Millie said in a harsh tone

"Come on Millie how could I have not invited him. He was with Caleb when I asked him. It would have been really rude if i didn't invite him" Sadie said defending herself.

"Really? "rude"... Sadie your the definition of rude you could care less if you were mean to someone" Millie said pointing out the obvious. Sadie is such a straight forward person that ends up hurting people's feelings by just spilling out the truth.

Sadie sighed, "Okay your right but I only do that to people I don't like and Finn hes not on my bad side."

"Well he is on my bad side", said millie

"Look im sorry okay", Sadie started "I just dont understand why you two hate each other. Everyone else gets along with each other except you two."

Sadie was right everyone was friends with one another except Finn and Millie and nobody knew why. They never asked even though they wanted to know it was just something between Finn and Millie.

"Just try to get along, please" Sadie said while closing her locker.

"Okay i'll try" said Millie making Sadie smile.

"Good now lets go everyone is waiting outside" sadie linked her arm with millie and began walking to the front.

As they walk out they saw everyone talking with one another both Finn and Millie rolled their eyes once they saw each other.

"Alright now that everyone is here, lets talk about who is going with who" Caleb said

"Ill take Gaten Lilia and Maddie" said Sadie

"That means that ill take Finn Millie and Noah" said Caleb

Millie was about to argue and say that she doesn't want to be in the same car as Finn but before she could say anything Sadie was already giving her the " don't complain" look.

They all start heading to their designated car. As they walked to the car Noah had decided to call shot gun which made both Finn and Millie groan. They did not want to be next to each other nor be close to each other at all.


20 minutes later  they had arrived to the movie theaters. Everyone got out and went to the front to get their tickets.

"While we are in line why don't you two go get snacks for all of us" said Sadie to Finn and Millie

"Fine whatever" she said not even trying to argue with her.

They both walked to the snack section. Millie ordered 6 buckets of popcorn 8 drinks and some candy. She then turned to Finn and asked him if he wanted anything else to which he said no.

She turned back to the cashier, "That will be $45.67"

Millie was grabbing her wallet out of her purse but stopped once she saw Finn giving the cashier $50.

After getting his change they somehow managed to get everything in their arms and walked to the Sadie who was waiting outside of the theater for them.

"You know I could have paid", said Millie as she struggled to hold the popcorn and candies in her arms.

"Yeah but that wouldn't have been kind of me if I had let you", answered Finn

"You being kind well thats a shocker" said Millie making Finn roll his eyes.

"Well at least you two are talking", exclaimed Sadie

"More like being forced to" said Millie giving said a sarcastic smile

"Okay well anyways the movie is about to start lets go", said Sadie as she took two buckets out of Millie's arms and helped Finn with the drinks.

They walked into the theater and took their seats. Everyone was in their seats by the time the three came leaving no choice but for Finn and Millie to sit next to each other.


Published: February 10 2019

Rewritten: February 6 2020

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