Chapter 12

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It's been a week/ 2 since Finn and Millie became friends. It was near the end of November which meant thanksgiving was coming up. Thanksgiving is a holiday were you spent the day with family and say what you are thankful for but it's not the way the Browns do it. They have a party where they invite people over, mostly business people and you know have fun. Millie likes to think of it as an event were all rich people go to to talk about their accomplishments and make each other feel powerless while there is one that acts more superior than the rest which is Mr. Brown.

Millie was currently getting ready. She was getting her hair and makeup done by her personal hair and makeup stylist. When it was done she put on her dress which was a black sparkly dress that had a low v line along with a slit by her right thigh.She added accessories before looking at herself in the mirror. There stood a girl who's life seemed "perfect" a girl who wore a fake smile since she was a child a girl who is broken from the inside but doesn't show it. Looking at herself in the mirror made her mind go dark on herself. She pushed back the thoughts and smiled to herself as she thanked her stylist who made her look gorgeous. Her mother came in wearing an elegant expensive dress.

"Oh you look beautiful Millie"

"Thank you"

"Now come on the guest have arrived"

Millie walked down the staircase as she felt eyes upon her. Once she was at the bottom she began to greet everyone. 

"Oh Millie darling you look absolutely gorgeous" said Mrs. Wolfhard

"Thank you" said Millie. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wolfhard excused themselves leaving Finn standing there with Millie

"Well you look stunning"

"Thank you and you look handsome I guess." 


"Gosh i hate this" said Millie. They were currently in her backyard walking around since they didn't want to be in there with a bunch of adults talking while they wait for the dinner to be ready.

"What?" Finn questioned as they sat on a bench near the fountain.

"This dress, the hair, the makeup, everything. Having to get all dolled up to make me look prettier."

"Well then why don't you change or dress the way you want."

"I can't. My mom pressures me to be the perfect daughter when she can't even be a good mom" She acts as if everything is okay and that our family is perfect but it's not" said Millie revealing things that no one knows about.

"what do you mean?" asked Finn curious as to what she meant

"Nothing. Let's just head back inside so we can eat"

Once they were back inside they made their way to the dining table where everyone was already seated. Millie sat next to her mother and Finn sat across from her. After dinner people started to leave while the Wolfhards were the last ones. 

They were in Millie's room while the adults discussed among each other. 

"So what did you mean back there?" asked Finn again wanting to know what she was hiding

"Oh its nothing just forget about it"

"Millie friends don't lie"

"Okay. My mom likes to make us seem like the perfect family like perfect daughter, perfect job etc. but it's not like that. I don't know I just feel like my parents are hiding something from me and I feel like it could break us."

"Well if anything happens I'll always be by your side" said Finn as Millie just smiled at him thanking him that way.

For the rest of the night Finn and Millie talked until he left. Millie hadn't realized it but she knew that Finn was going end up being a special person to her. She knew that he was already having an affect on her and she didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. The only thing she knew for certain was that both of them where going to be there for each other like friends are suppose to be.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it wasn't that great. :/

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Until next time :) XOXO

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