Chapter 40

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It was finally graduation day, Millie was finishing up her hair by adding some pearl clips on. She then went downstairs where her mother was waiting for her, she walked down the stairs in her cap and gown. 

They then got in the car and the chauffeur drove them to school which is where the ceremony would held at obvi. She met up with Sadie who was with Caleb and Noah. They started taking some pictures together.

Millie had gone to the restroom and was returning back when Maddie had stopped right in front of her blocking her way.

"That dress is so ugly" commented Maddie
" And your makeup did you even try to look decent" said iris making Maddie and Loren laugh.

Sadie then appeared and stepped forward "You leave Millie alone."

"What if I don't want to" said Iris making Sadie sigh in frustration.

"You're gonna wish you did" Sadie steps closer as she grabs Iris arm harshly "You leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand" she got no response from Iris.

"Say you understand. Say it!"

"I understand" Iris said quietly.

"Good" she lets go of her and see's her Loren and Maddie walk away.

"Come on let's go we're about to go up to the field" says Sadie as if nothing happened.

Soon they started walking in line making their way up to the field where the ceremony would take place.. Finally after the speech of the principal, the salutatorian, and the valedictorian it was time to go up there and receive their diploma. One by one everyone went up and then were seated back down.

"Congratulations class 2020" they released doves as everyone stood up and threw their caps up into the air making everyone in the audience clap and cheer.

Millie walks trying to find Finn and once she does she runs up to him wrapping her arms around his neck as he twirls her and then places her down still having his hands on her waist. 

"Finn I-"

"We did it bitches" yelled Gaten as he interrupted what she was about to say.

Sadie Caleb and Noah popped up with big smiles on their faces as they group hugged. They all walk down together side by side with bright smiles, they made it they did it together. 


They were all at Millie's house since she well her mother planned the graduation after party inviting all of her classmates. 

The music was loud as everyone was in the ball room which was decorated with the school colors. There was a candy bar, a photo booth, even a cotton candy maker.

Millie was outside leaning against the balcony railing. She had taken off her cap and gown leaving her in her white dress. She put her hair in a up do and still had clips on she let some strands loose on each side.

She was looking at the moon when she is suddenly picked up and spun around causing her to say "Finn" while giggling as he spun her around. She loved the feeling of being around him, feeling his touch. She loves him, she really does. 

"What are you doing out here, the party is inside"

"I know you dork. I just wanted to be alone for a bit" she says making Finn nod his head "But can you stay with me?" she asks as she takes a hold of his arm.

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