Chapter 15

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As the school day dragged on Millie will get comments about her only by Iris group. She would also get messages from Finn asking her if she was alright and she would reply that everything was okay. It was finally after school and Millie couldn't wait to get out of there but she had detention. She made her way to the detention and once she got there she noticed that her and Finn were the only ones in there. 

"Alright I think both of you know how detention works so no talking and dont even think about leaving" said the teacher as he motioned his pointer finger to both Finn and Millie

Millie sighed as she took her seat in the first row by the door while Finn was sat near the window on the first row. A couple minutes when by when Finn spoke


"Yeah" she says as she turns to look at him

"How long?"

"How long what"

"You know since they began to bother you"

"It was a couple days after you broke up with iris"


"For what?"

"If I didnt then maybe they wouldn't have started bothering you

"It's fine Finn. I can handle it plus none of this is on you okay they're just mean people" she said trying to lighten up his mood

"Promise me that if it starts to get worse you will tell me"

"Promise" Millie said giving Finn a smile as he returned one back too.

"Alright you two are free to go. Hopefully this won't happen again or be frequent."

They both nodded as they got their stuff and left the classroom making their way out of school. 

"Finn" Millie says looking at him as she walks beside him

"hmm" replies Finn as he unlocks the doors to his car

Millie walks towards the passenger seat opening the door, "Uh well Sadie asked if i wanted to go to the mall with her and the boys are probably there too so do you want to go?"

Finn nodded before getting in and starting the car. After a couple minutes they finally made it to the mall. They made their way to the food court since Sadie had told her that she was there along with the boys. 

"Hey Millie"

"Hey sades"

"Oh hey Finn the boys are over there ordering" Sadie says pointing to where they are.

Finn nods before walking towards them leaving the girls alone. 

"So are two actually friends now?"

"Yeah. We're actually friends friends"

"Yes finally I thought you two hating each other would be forever"

"Come on let's go get food"

"Actually we're going to go shopping first"

"But i'm really hungry" whined Millie trying to make Sadie go over to where the boys are at

"I'll get you a pretzel and then after we can eat" said Sadie 

"Ugh fine" replied Millie before being dragged by Sadie

The first store they went into was Chanel Sadie's favorite store. Sadie bought a pink long sleeve turtle neck dress, colorful stripped shirt with the words Chanel written all over it, and a two piece blue sequin shirt, mid thigh shorts and matching jacket. 

Then they went to Calvin Klein were Millie bought a tight stripped sequin dress, yellow long sleeve shirt pairing it with a black denim skirt, high waited dark jeans, belt and a white long sleeve with a picture on the corner left.

After shopping for about 3 hours they finally decided to go get some food. Sadie texted the boys telling them were they are at. Both Millie and Sadie ordered a salad but Millie added chicken to hers. As they began to eat and chat among each other the boys arrived and sat next to them.

"Millster" exclaimed Gaten as he grabbed a piece of cookie that she had bought as dessert.

"Hey Gaten. You owe me another cookie now" 

"Wow you two definitely did a lot of shopping" said Noah referring to the 20 bags they had on the floor.

After they finished eating and Gaten finishing Millie's cookie they decided to leave since it was getting late already. Finn helped Millie with her bags to the car after they all said good bye to each other. 

Finn pulled up to Millie's driveway and turned the engine off. After getting off he grabbed some bags helping Millie. They made their way to her room

"You can put them down right there" said Millie pointing to the doorway of her walk in closet


"No problem" said Finn

Millie's phone suddenly dinged meaning she had gotten a message. As she red it her facial expression changed

"Who is it?" asked Finn 

"Oh it's just Sadie" lied Millie as she put her phone in her back pocket

"Okay well I better get going"

"Good night" said Millie as she closed the door after him leaving

She sighed as she sat down on her bed thinking about the text that she had gotten. She kept rereading 3 certain words in her mind

You are worthless Millie Bobby Brown worthless. 

She shook her head trying to erase the words from her mind. She decided to get ready for bed and to try to clear her mind she put her new bought clothes away after getting ready for bed. 

Millie was currently laying in bed wide awake staring at her ceiling. Her phone went off she debated on answering it. She grabbed it looking at it before answering  it


"Hey um sorry did I wake you?"

"No. I couldn't sleep so don't feel bad"

"Oh okay" he replied chuckling

"So why'd you call me?"

"I dont know just wanted to talk i guess"


"Yeah. Sorry to bother I'll-"

"No it's fine Finn" said Millie cutting him off. 

That night Finn and Millie talked to each other for hours. Millie felt herself feel closer to Finn as they shared stories with each other. At around 3 Millie finally began to feel tired so while Finn was sharing a story she closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber. On the other side Finn could hear her cute silent snores making him chuckle. So after their first deep late night talk they knew that there was going to be something special between them.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter 

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