Chapter 22

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Winter break was over meaning school again. Millie was in 6th period trying to get through the last couple of minutes left of school when a paper was placed on her desk. The teacher obviously didn't see. She opened it, rolled her eyes and crumbled it up. The bell soon rang making everyone rush out of the class. 

She's still receiving those messages and notes and stares from them. She's so over it, she thought iris would have been over it by now it's been months now but it hasn't stopped. 

"Millie" began Sadie "we need a girls day. I've already told Lilia and Maddie-"


"yeah, we haven't hung out with her in like forever"

"Maybe that's because she left us for Iris and her group"

"She feels bad, come one you believe in second chances"

"Only to the ones that deserve it" she said crossing her arms

"Just one day, and if you still think she's not sorry or whatever then we won't be friends with her anymore"

"Okay" she says giving in to Sadie's ocean blue eyes

"Yay! Come on" she says grabbing her and leading her to the car. 

The girls where at Sadie's house. They were all sitting down on the carpeted floor in Sadie's room painting each other's nails. 

"I have the perfect color for you Millie" says Sadie getting up "I'll be right back." Lilia excuses herself saying that she was going to go grab some drinks.

It was just Millie and Maddie alone in the room, you could feel the awkwardness and hate in the room. 

"So how was Christmas?" asked Millie trying to make conversation.

Maddie scoffed "Don't act like you care"

"I do care Maddie. You were always like a sister to me and then all of a sudden you became a stranger. What happened?"

"I just needed a change"

"And hanging out with Iris was what you needed?"

"Yeah, it was. She made me open up my eyes more. Everything seemed so much clearer. Especially you"

"Why are you doing this Mads? We used to be friends"

"Used to. People change they grow up. don't you get it Millie not everyone is going to stay. you should know that by now. but i guess your dad leaving still hasn't clicked to you that you are the reason why people leave. nobody likes you. Nobody will stay with you forever. not Sadie, Lilia, Caleb, Gaten or Finn. no one." she finally finished. Sadie finally came back with the nail polish in her hand. "Found it" said Sadie walking in the room

"I have to go" she said standing up grabbing her stuff

"What? Why?"

"I- It's my mom she texted me saying that she needs me home. idk what for" "i'll see you tomorrow, bye" she says turning and leaving almost bumping into Lilia.

Sadie grabbed her phone texting someone/ sending a message to someone who can help? idk

Sadie: Finn!

Finn: What?

Sadie: I need you to check on Millie once she get home. I'll explain later bye

---Next day---

Sadie was in the hallway explaining to Finn what happened yesterday

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