Chapter 25

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Millie was dressed in black sweats with a white shirt and had a grey cardigan over it. She had therapy in a couple of minutes. 2 nurses came in with a wheel chair, they had explained that she wasn't allowed to walk so she had to be wheeled around. 

She had heard that her mother as long as her friends were going to be there. She was wheeled out of her room. Mia had stopped to check up on a patient so she took that advantage to get out. She walked quickly through the hallway ignoring the slight dizziness making it to the entrance. She almost felt the cold air but was stopped by a pair of hands on her waist. 

"No" she didn't want to go back she hated it, she hated it. She was so close to 'freedom'

"Millie" said the nurse out of breath. When she noticed she was gone she began to panic until she saw her running after her. 

"No, I don't want to go back" she said while struggling. 3 nurses had to come and help detain her it wasn't until Mia had whispered to her that if she didn't stop she won't allow Finn to see her for a week. That instantly made her stop her tantrum and allowed herself to be sat down and be wheeled to the room that everyone was waiting for her.

She felt pathetic that she didn't make it out and allowed herself to be taken back.

She was wheeled in the room and Finn followed shortly behind making sure to seat near her. They all gave her a small smile but even behind that smile she could tell that they didn't like seeing her getting treated. She noticed that Sadie wouldn't even look at her but she saw a glimpse of her eyes red from crying.

"Alright let's get started. I'm Dr.Owens" "So we are here today to talk and support Millie here. "So how are you feeling today Millie"

She rolled her eyes fiddling with the ring in her finger "Fine"

"Okay?" "How about the rest of you?" he asked to which they replied "good"

"We all know it must be hard for you-"

"No, none of you know how it feels to be here"she began  "In fact none of you have a clue at all, you all treat me like i'm a charity case and I hate it" she said truthfully.

"I would like to leave and for this session to be over" she said in a stern voice

"Millie please. Let him do his job" said her mother

She scoffed at what her mother said "right let him do his job. you just want me to be cured and out of here so no one else knows that your daughter is here being treated right?" "Or am i wrong, you've only ever cared about yourself, i hate you"

The room fell into a silence. she felt embarrassed at the sudden outburst but it was about time to tell her mother how she felt.

"I'd like to leave please" the Dr nodded so the nurse wheeled her out and took her back to her room where she was put back in bed and put the feeding tube back again. When did her life get so messed up she thought.


I know this is a really short chapter

It's more of a filler I just wanted to show how Millie feels

Happy halloween hope you all have a great day :)
What are your plans for today?

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment :)


Also, next chapter is.....
just be ready for anything

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