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A/N idk what this is okay I was bored and thought why not! Won't get any reads or shit but eh! Also you know the drill Y/N, Y/L/N shit like that okay x

~Your POV (but author telling story I guess idk)
After a hard day of doing fuck all at home you decided you deserved a pizza! It was 9:38pm on a Saturday Night, you knew it would be quite at the pizza shop so you could probably sit in and relax for a bit. You arrived it was only a 5-10 minute walk from your house so it wasn't that bad. It was pretty much empty apart from the few workers but they weren't interested in getting to know you personally or anything. You sat calmly in a booth by yourself just eating your pizza when you heard that another person had walked in. You looked at your phone 10:12pm it read you weren't really sure why someone else was in but you thought "well maybe someone's doing the same as me" you didn't think much of it until a handsome man holding his pizza box he didn't notice you at first as you kept looking up at him as he walked past then he started walking back towards you. You quickly looked down at your pizza pretending not to notice him but he called you. "Hey?" He said, he seemed happy. "Oh hi" you said as you awkwardly shoved too much pizza in your mouth. He giggles a little and said "may I join you?" You nodded excitedly while covering your mouth as pizza was going everywhere! "What's your name, beautiful?" He asked causing you to smile behind your hand. You quickly swallowed the pizza and said "Y/N what about you?" "Woah that's a sexy name, I'm Pete" he said raising an eyebrow at you. You blushed and replied "Pete, that's an even sexier name" he looked at you and bit his lip and kept eye contact with you as he took a bite out of the slice of pizza. You tried to copy him by keeping eye contact and licked the tomato sauce off your pizza but most of it got on your mouth. You licked around your mouth trying to be sexy.

You had finished your pizza and now you were just waiting for Pete to finish his. You just watched him eat you didn't know If it was the pizza talking but you were desperate for him you could feel that you were wet from just watching him. He looked up at you staring at him and biting your lip. He knew you wanted him but he just wanted to tease you so he ate his pizza as slow as he could.

Finally he finished his last slice, you looked at your phone 11:06pm. He linked his arm in yours and held you tight towards him as it was late and god knows who was around. He led you back to him place which was about 15-20 minutes walk from the pizza place but it was in a completely different direction.

Oof well idk ima start part 2 lemme know what you think? X

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