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Your POV
Pete had been home for a week, he seemed so much better now. I woke up and felt like absolute shit. I turned to look at the time when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I dashed into the bathroom and began puking my brains out. Soon after Pete came in. "Are you okay?" He said taking hold of my hair. I turned to see Pete wearing just his boxers and he looked worried. "I look like shit, don't look at me." I laughed but was interrupted by throwing up again. "I've gotta go over Patrick's for a meeting today. If you want me to cancel and stay with you that's fine." He said putting toothpaste on my toothbrush. "No, no, Pete you go, I'll be fine. I'll call the girls over or something I think it's just something I ate." I said before brushing my teeth. "Fine, call me if anything happens. Do you need or want anything. I'll get it for you now." "Doritos." I weakly said with a mouth full of toothpaste.

Petes POV
"On it." I smiled at how cute she was. I was about to leave when realised not dressed. I ran back upstairs and she was gargling mouth wash. "Back already?" She said after spitting it out. I pointed at myself and proceeded to get dressed.

I came back to find Y/N led in bed fast asleep. I placed two bags of Doritos on the side table along with a glass of water. "I love you." I said and kissed her head.

Your POV.
"I love you too." I mumbled to Pete before he left. I heard the front door close. I opened a bag of Doritos and texted the group chat with Abi and Cassie.
Me: can you both come over? Xxx
Cassie: I'm sorry, I'm out with Grayson today. It's our anniversary. Xxx
Me: that's fine. Xxx
Abi: I'll be over in 10 xxx

Abi sat on the end of my bed. "What's up?" She said and took a Dorito. "I I think I'm pregnant." I said Abi choked on her Dorito. "Have you taken a test?" She eagerly asked. "No." I said "well how do you know." She asked. "A week ago when Pete came out of hospital, we had sex and no protection, no pills, nothing and this morning I threw up." I explained. "Right, I'll go get a few tests, be back in 5."
She came back with 10 pregnancy tests. "Why 10?" I laughed. "Just because. Go piss on them all." I walked to the bathroom and about a good 5 minutes of struggling all the tests had been peed on. I sat on the bathroom floor with each test lined up in front of me. I waited. "I can't do this." I stood up and opened the door, Abi was right outside. "What?" She asked. "We're going out for a bit. I'll try forget about it then come back for results." I started and picked out some clothes. "Fine, If you want to. NO ALCOHOL." She made very clear. "I knowww!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Am I fat?" I asked Abi. "No! Y/N oh my god. Don't you start this." She said and hugged me. I put on a pair of jeans and one of Petes hoodies. I tied my hair in a ponytail.
"Where are we going then." Abi asked. "I don't know, cinema?" I suggested.

2 hours later.

"Oh hey, Y/N, Abi. How are you feeling?" Pete called as he noticed us walking back to the house. "Uh I'm good yeah." I said walking next to him. He unlocked the door. "I'm gonna take a shower then I need to talk to you." He said and began walking upstairs. Abi mouthed "call me" to me and left. "No! Wait! Don't go in the bathroom!" I called and grabbed Petes hand. "Why?" He asked suspiciously. "Uh I need to pee." I nervously laughed. I opened the bathroom door and looked at the tests and loudly gasped. "What?" Pete asked from behind me. "I I I'm pregnant." I managed to say I handed Pete the 10 positive tests. He examined the tests closely. "I'm going to be a dad!" He exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. "I know! I'm going to be a mother! But you need to put those test down I've pissed on them." I laughed. He placed them on the counter.

After a lot of phone calls and congratulations me and Pete finally had time to sit down and chill.
"You said you had news?" I asked curiously. "We're going on tour!" He smiled but looked scared for my reaction. "That's great!" I smiled, I was genuinely happy for him but I was scared. "Are you sure you're okay with it?" He asked and held my hand. "Yeah I'm fucking terrified but please tell me more about the tour." I said on the verge of tears. "Y/N what? Why are you crying?" He asked and hugged me. "Pete I'm really happy you're going on tour it's great! I'm just terrified of being a mother!" I cried. "Y/N, you'll be the best mother and I will always be there for you the whole way. Just finish your Doritos and get some sleep we can discuss tour in the morning." He said and wiped the tears from my cheeks. Pete led down next to me while I stared at nothing, the room was too dark to see anything. I still managed to eat though. Once I had finished I washed my hands in bathroom and slid back into bed next to Pete.

Shorter than usual buttttt as you may or may not know I have got other books in process, should I post one chapter now? Let me know in comments :D

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