I'm The Asshole

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Your POV
"Pete?" I said tiredly. I looked around the room confused and that's when I remembered. "Oh...yeah" I said aloud. My head was fucking killing me. I checked my phone
1 new message.
I opened my messages and saw a text off Abi,
Abiiii💕: Sorry I had to leave for work, sort shit out with Pete, I think you still love him... or drunk you loves him. Xxx
Me: What? Xxx
I was confused as to what she meant, I went off our conversation and I saw mine and Petes
Me: Iblove yuoe xxzc
"Oh shhh-..."
I'm surprised he hasn't said anything back, he just left me on read.
I stared at the message lost in thoughts until my phone rang, it was Abi.
"Y/N? You okay?" She said as soon as I answered. "Yeah, hangover but I texted Pete!" I said rubbing my head. "Again?" She asked. "No, just the one." "What you gonna do?" She asked playing dumb. "I don't know! He left me on read, so I think I'll just leave it, I need to forget him." I sighed. "What ever you think is best, I'll call you later, my boss is gonna fuck me if she sees I'm on my phone." She said and hung up.

I locked my phone and threw it to the bottom of the bed and led back, I didn't know what to do, I wasn't at a good mind state at the moment.

Petes POV
"Patrick, she hasn't texted back" I said showing my phone. "Pe-" "maybe she meant it, I should call her!" I dialed her number and it rang for a few seconds, "no I can't" I said and ended it.

Your POV
I grabbed my phone I was gonna watch YouTube or something but as I picked it up it rang, it was Pete! I looked at the phone confused for a few seconds and as I was about to answer it ended. "Oh.."

Petes POV
"Cmon Pete, lets start recording the music, American Beauty/ American Psycho is meant to be out some time this month!" Patrick said patting my back. We got in the car and drove to the studio.

Your POV
"Hey Gerard?" I said into the phone, "oh hey Y/N. You alright?" Gerard said back. "Yeah, um are you free today?" "Yeah, why?" He said. "Just wondering if you wanted to come over?" I asked. "Yeah I'll be over in a bit."

I got dressed and tidied myself up from getting drunk and sat on the sofa watching some shit waiting for Gerard.
Finally I heard a knock at the door, I sprung up and opened it. "Heyyy!" I said and pulled him into a hug. "Heyy Y/N is everything okay?" He asked hugging me back. "Yeah, do you want anything?" I asked breaking the short hug. "No, I'm good." He said and sat down on the cold sofa, he moved slightly as he sat down because of how cold it was. "Sorry, I haven't really been here." I said noticing it. "Can you tell me why?" He said gesturing for me to sit down. "Why What?" I said as I walked into the kitchen, I knew he was talking about me and Pete, so I grabbed the wine. "Do you want a glass?" I called before he could answer. "Uh no I'm good." He called back.
I walked back into the living room with a full glass of wine and sat next to Gerard. "You can rant to me." He said and sat back.
After a few hours of talking and multiple bottles of wine, "It was just a one night stand that turned into dating for a few months, it never really meant shit, I just got too lonely" I slurred and drank the last of wine from the current bottle. I stood up to go get more when...

Gerard's POV
I listened and took it all in, after half of the second bottle I kept tell her it was enough but she didn't listen.
She finished with "it was just a one night stand that turned into dating for a few months, it never really meant shit, I just got too lonely" she stood up to get another bottle, "Y/N wait I think you've had enough!" I said. She turned and sat back down next to me, suddenly she leaned in and kissed me...

A/N 10 votes for the next part. X

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