The alcohol never lies.

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Your POV
I met Abi and Cassie outside the club, "looking stunning, love the hoodie around the waist." Cassie said admiring my outfit, "shit I was meant to leave to hoodie, it's Petes." I sighed "just don't lose it, he'll be pissed." Abi added and we walked inside the club.
We drank and drank, "Y/N Come one lets go." Abi said and went to hold my hand, "no, no you two go ahead I'll catch you up." I slurred. Y/N you sure?" Cassie asked. "Yeah I'll call someone to pick me up later." I added and hugged them.
I walked to the bar and kept ordering whisky shots after whisky shot. After a few hours I walked outside and looked at my phone:
1 new message 5hours ago:
Patrick: call me when you're done at the club I'll pick you up x
I called Patrick
"Y/N?" He answered. "Yuppp that's meeee." I slurred "I'll be there now okay? Stay put." He said "aye aye captain."

Patrick's POV
*at the pizza place just after you left.*
"Pete, you gonna pick up Y/N from the club?" I asked. "Dunno." He said and carried on with his pizza. "Fine I will then." I said and rolled my eyes at how Pete was acting.

"Hiiiiii Patrick!" She said as she got in the car. "Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yeahhhh!" She screamed.
As we pulled up into Petes drive way, "Patrick." She said and climbed on to my lap so she was facing me "Uh" she cut me off by putting her finger on my lips and she started grinding on me. I was very confused fuck I liked it but it wasn't right, she leaned in and passionately kissed me, "I love you Patrick." She said "no, no Y/N you don't." I said and moved her off my lap. "But daddy." She moaned, I bit my lip and said "cmon let's get you to bed," I wrapped my arm around her back as we walked to the door, Pete opened it and Y/N kissed me passionately on the lips in front of Pete and said "thank youu." Pete looked pissed I looked at Pete confused and said "she's wasted she doesn't mean anything." I let go of her and walked back to my car.

Petes POV
I was hurt by what I saw but I knew it wasn't Patrick's fault it's the alcohol, Y/N was stood up fine for a second then she fell, luckily I caught her, "you okay?" I asked her. "No Pete my dress fell down, my fucking tits are out." She said and took my hoodie from around her waist and put it on with me still holding her up. "Am I naked? I feel naked." She slurred. "What no? Come sit down." I led her to the sofa and she flopped down and kicked her shoes off. "Wait didn't you have tights on? Where are they?" I asked getting concerned as to what happened at the club, "no one did anything to you did they?" I asked "no it was an all girls club, my tights are in Patrick's carrrr!" She said "why!?" I asked annoyed "what did you and Patrick do?" "Nothinggg jeez dad, they were annoying so I took them off," she started to slid her dress off to her feet and kicked it away, she was led on the sofa in my hoodie and a thong and she didn't care at all. "Uh do you want some pants?" I asked her. "No I'm comfortable like this! Let's watch a movieeee! Sit down!" She said and pulled me down next to her. She sat up and rested her head on my shoulder as we watched South Park, she kept moving around on the sofa, "lemme lie down!" She said and rested her head on my lap as I moved to the end of the sofa  I passed her a glass of water but the 'accidentally' spilt it on my shirt. "I'm sorry!" She said and quickly took off my shirt so I was left in jeans. I reached for my phone in my pocket but it wasn't there, I looked over to the other side of the room, I noticed it was on the kitchen table I walked over to it "where are you going? Don't leave me!" Y/N called "I'm looking at my phone." I said and held it up I noticed a text from Patrick:
Patrick: dude, put her straight to bed she's wasted, more drunk than Bden did the drunk history...
Me: What do you mean?
Patrick: she was all over me in the car, she wouldn't have done sit if she wasn't wasted, she obviously didn't mean any of it as well....
Me: right.

"I think you should go to bed..." I said walking back over to Y/N. "But I'm not even tireddd!" She wined. "Cmon." I said picking her up. As we reached the top of the stairs she said "can we make a quick stop in the bathroom?" "Yeah." I was unsure why, but went with it. We walked in and she said, "Peter I need you to do me a favour." "Okay. What?" I asked, I'm guessing she wants me to run her a bath or something, "I need you to to hold my hair back while I be sick." She said and giggled before sitting on the floor by the toilet. I quickly held her hair back and rubbed her back while she was throwing up.
Once she'd finish she said "can I just sleep here?" She rested her head on the toilet seat. "No, are you finished? You gotta sleep in the bed." I said holding the mouthwash out for her. She nodded and used it. I put her into my bed and I took my jeans off and got into the other side of the bed, we were back to back but a big gap between us.

A/N Abi and Cassie are my best friends irl.
Also went through a tough break up ☹️ so my now ex was a character in this book kinda (remember Ellis, Petes friend.) Yeah I'll keep it the same... xx

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