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A/N ayy came back and views went up thanks x

Your POV
I passed Pete his swimming shorts and he got changed "where should I put these?" He said holding up the small shorts "I don't know I'll put them in my bag and we'll take them home." We walked back into the garden and jumped in the pool.

Time skip few minutes.
I was stood inside by myself getting a drink when Chase walked in "Hey, you must be Y/N" he said as he stood close to me "uh yeah" I said awkwardly and moved away. "I know your with Pete but I'll always be here if you want a better fuck" he said slapping my ass and walking back into the garden. I stood in the kitchen froze, I felt weird this Chase kid freaked me out so I did what I thought was best. As I walked back into the garden I shouted "Oi Chase why the fuck did you say that to me and have the nerve to slap my ass!?" Instantly everyone looked at me then to Chase. "What the fuck did you do?" Mikey said giving him a dirty look. That's when Pete came over.
Petes POV
So this Chase thinks he can flirt with Y/N!? I walked over to him "what did you do?" Everyone is giving him a dirty look and he suddenly turns and runs away. "What the fuck?" Mikey shouts to him. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I honestly didn't know he was like that!" Mikey said to Y/N and me. "It's not your fault Mikey." I said.

Your POV
Everyone was asking me if I was okay, "yeah I fine, just a little startled, can we just carry on with the party?" I said. They all replied with yes and what not but then Pete pulled me inside. "Are you sure your okay?" He said hugging me. "Yeah a lot better now he's left, he made me feel uncomfortable since he arrived not gonna lie. But it's not Mikeys fault at all so I'm just gonna forget about it." I said hugging Pete back. "Alright" Pete said and we walked back out into the garden.

Time skip.
Me and Pete were just sat together calmly then he asks "how hard did he slap you?" Pulling you up. "Uh i don't know? What?" I said confused. Pete then gently tapped your ass. "Harder?" He asked. "Yeah, harder" you said bitting your lip. "You can't fuck in Patrick's bed again!" A voice called out and laughed. "Andy we're not going to fuck again!" Pete said laughing back. "We're not?" I whispered disappointed. "Andy's right we can't do it again in Patrick's bed. But when we get home tomorrow evening or night." Pete said biting his lip and smacking your ass hard causing you to whine.

Patrick's POV
"Let's go inside and all watch a movie!" I said calling the guys and Y/N over.
We all walked inside and pulled sofas up and chairs to face the TV and got countless blankets and cushions. "I'll get some drinks and snacks" Y/N said.
"I'll help you!" I said walking to the kitchen. We grabbed as much as we could and spread it out on the coffee table.

Petes POV
I saved a place for Y/N to come sit next to me and I put a blanket over us both. "What should we watch then?" I asked "Well we've got all night, we can watch as many as we want." Dallon said.

After a long night of watching movies we decided to call it a night. Y/N had fallen asleep on me so I decided to carry her up to bed. "I hope you all brought sleeping bags!" Patrick said to the guys who arrived earlier.

A/N sorry it's short and shit x

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