What tf?

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Your POV
I woke up pretty early. I went downstairs to get a tea. "Oh hi Y/N" Mikey said he was also making tea. "Want a cup?" "Yeah please" I said grabbing a cup. "Only if we had crumpets, we'd be proper British" He said laughing. "I could run to the shop and get some?" I said laughing back (A/N I'm not taking the piss outta British people! I am British myself😂x)
Mikey and I sat at the table and sipped our tea. "I'm really sorry about yesterday with Chase." Mikey said "honestly Mikey it's not your fault! Don't worry about it." I said giving him a friendly hug. "I'll have a word with him in school on Monday!" Mikey said taking another sip of his tea. "Y/N your like a big sister to me, you know that" Mikey opened up. "Aw thanks Mikey! Your like a little brother to me." (A/N cringe? Idk)
"Hey I guessed you were down here!" Pete called from the other side of the kitchen "Hey Pete" I said standing up to hug him. "Alright Mikey!" He called from the hug. "Yeah" Mikey said sipping his tea. "Actually, Pete can I speak to you a sec?" Mikey called "uh yeah sure" Pete said walking to him.

Petes POV
Y/N walked back upstairs so it was just me and Mikey. "What's up Mikey?" I said kind of concerned. "I just want to apologise for what Chase did to Y/N" Mikey said "ah don't worry about it! It's not your place to apologise anyway Mikey! I'll speak to Chase on Monday, he's in your school right?" I said to Mikey "uh yeah" Mikey said "alright then thanks!" I said patting Mikeys back.

Your POV.
"Everything okay?" I said as Pete came back up. "Yeah, yeah. Do you have everything? We're going back home today" Pete replied picking up a tshirt of mine.

Time skip.
After saying bye to the guys we walked home. As we got in I said "I'm gonna have a bath" so I went upstairs and ran myself a bubble bath.
As I was getting out the bath I put on some Nike shorts as they were comfy and one of Petes T-shirts. As I walked back downstairs I saw Pete making a pizza "Hey babe!" He called. "I'm making pizza for us." I led down on the sofa with a face mask and cucumber on my eyes and as Pete walked over to kiss me "woah okay" he said laughing "I'll kiss you later"
About 15 minutes later Pete had finished the pizza and I went to wash my face. I came back down and Pete was waiting for me sat on the sofa with the pizza. "Thank you!" I said as I sat down next to Pete and he passed me some. We watched some Friends and ate our pizza. After we had finished we cuddled up on the sofa. "I love you" Pete said kissing my cheek. "I love you too" I said kissing him back.
I leaned back so he could be on top he kissed me passionately and I kissed back. Suddenly Petes phone rang which he broke the kiss to answer it "hello?" He said to the unknown person. "Uh I'll be there now." He said and put the phone down. "Where are you going?" I said confused "it's like 10 o'clock??" I said as I watched Pete put a coat on. "Stay here. I'm just going out for a bit." He said closing the door behind him.
I sat on the sofa looking at the door slightly annoyed and confused. "What the fuck?" I said to myself. I sat for a few minutes just staring at the door. "Fuck this" I said standing up and putting on some jeans, hoodie and a coat and I left the house. I couldn't stay there, I kept thinking of Pete, what if he's cheating on me? I walked along the street trying to distract myself that's when I called Mikey "he-y" I said as I shivered. "Hey, Y/N, you alright?" He said sounding concerned. "Uh I'm fine, um do you mind if I come over? Somethings happened" I said back "of course" he said
I arrived at Mikeys, Gerard was there too "is everything okay?" Mikey said passing me a hot chocolate. " it's Pete... he's acting different" I said, I explained everything too them both. "Aw no, have you tried calling him?" Gerard said pulling out his phone. "No I was scared he'd get pissed at me." I said nervously. "I'll call him now" Gerard said.

A/N ooooooo tea I'm gonna leave you all on a cliffhanger for now.....

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