Jealousy and Pizza

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I stood outside the front door confused as what to do. I called Abi "hey Ab! Me, you and Cassie go out to the club later?" I asked. "Of course! I'll meet you both outside the club at 5, I'll call Cassie and let her know now." She said and hung up.
I went back inside and the guys looked at me from the sofa "I told you she'd come back." Patrick said and laughed. "I'm going out later with Cass and Abi." I said and headed upstairs. "Where?" Pete called "just to the club, Dad." I joked and went into the bedroom where my cases were. I found a short black strapless pencil dress it was perfect! I placed the dress and a black thong, on the bed and headed for the shower in the on-suite. After a good 20 minutes of showering I drew the curtain to reach for the towel but to my luck there wasn't one. "Ughhh, Pete?" I sighed and called to downstairs from the shower "Pete!?" I called again but no response, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, "Pete?" I said "it's Patrick." Patrick said walking into the bedroom, "oh hi Patrick I'm in the shower, there's no towel can you get me one? There should be one in the closed suitcase." I said and pointed to the suitcase but tried not to expose myself. "Okay sure, this is a nice dress." He said lifting up the black dress I had left on the bed which made my thongs fall onto the floor, "shit sorry!" He said and picked them up "what's going on?" Pete said walking into the room to see me peering from the shower curtain and Patrick holding my thong. "I was looking at her dress and these fell off it." Patrick said defending himself. "He's getting me a towel! I did call you Pete but no answer." I called from the bathroom. "They're in there." Pete said walking into the bathroom and pointing to a woven basket, he pulled out a towel and handed it to me. "Don't look at me! I'm naked." I joked. "I bet you wouldn't mind Patrick looking." Pete said not amused and just rolled his eyes and walked out. "Pete?" I called to him but he ignored. "I wrapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the shower. I looked at Patrick confused and he looked at me confused back. What had just happened? Patrick went downstairs stairs but I stayed to get ready. I slipped on the dress and I was surprised the top half didn't look too bad as I wasn't wearing a bra. I put on some fishnet tights and black converse, I went back into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair, I straightened my hair and left it down, I did the main face of makeup then did a thick eyeliner wing and some mascara. I walked down stairs to get the guys opinions, Pete was sat alone in the kitchen drinking a beer and Joe, Andy and Patrick were sat on the sofa watching TV. "What do you guys think?" I said showing my outfit. Pete walked from the kitchen to look "w-" Pete was cut off by Joe saying "Y/N you know what Petes gonna do over you once we're gone." He winked at me then laughed. I smirked then turned to Pete who was shaking his head, "you look amazing!" He said making me blush "thank you." I said smiling. "Looks great." Andy said and Joe agreed. I looked at Patrick, "Yeah." He said, something seemed off. "Thank you! Well it's 3 I've got a couple hours, you guys wanna go get pizza?" I said and turned to Pete because he loves pizza. "YES!" He shouted and ran to the door, Joe and Andy got up as well "better go to a place that does vegan." Andy said. "Patrick?" I said looking at Patrick who was still on the sofa, "it's fine I'll just go home." He said looking sad. "What? Why?" I asked feeling disappointed. "Pete doesn't want me to come." He mumbled under his breath but we still heard. I turned and glared at Pete. "Patrick I do want you to come, I'm sorry for earlier you know how it is." He said and pointed at me which I was confused about but brushed it off for now. "I suppose." Patrick said and hugged Pete. We started walking down the street to the pizza place it was the only one with vegan options near. "Aren't you cold?" Pete asked. "Fucking freezing." I laughed Pete took off his hoodie and wrapped it around me. I smiled at him, "people are probably gonna get confused as to why we're going to a pizza place when you're all dressed up and we're in casual clothes." Andy laughed. We sat at the back in a booth, Pete, me and Patrick in that order and Joe and Andy on the other. We all ordered a pizza each. Of course Pete finished his first, "thank you." He said and took a slice of mine, "Hey!" I said and grabbed it back off him, "You're really gonna eat that after I bit into it?" He smirked thinking he would get it back. "Yup!" I said and put the half eaten slice in my mouth. "Fine I'll just take another." Pete said and went to grab another slice "Wentz, if you steal my pizza I will fuck you up." I joked and grabbed his hand. He smirked and lifted his eyebrow. "Pete do you want to go get another pizza?" Andy asked. "Okay" He said Patrick stood up to let Pete past and I was about to do the same but he climbed over me. "Sorry, you took too long." He said and walked to the counter. Patrick sat back down next to me, he looked stressed, "you okay Trick?" I said and put my hand on his leg, "Uh yeah I guess," he said and smiled at me weakly I pulled him into a hug and at that moment Pete came back "excuse me" he said sounding salty, Joe and Andy gave each other that awkward look of what will happen next. Patrick pulled away and stood up, I was about to do them same but Pete climbed over me again. I looked at the time on my phone 4:20pm "I'd better go. I'll see you later." I said and got up I hugged Patrick as he was still stood up "have fun" Patrick said. "See you later." Joe and Andy called but Pete said nothing. I looked at him but he still said nothing he just started eating his pizza, "Alright then." I said giving the same attitude back and "wait Pete, do you want your hoodie back?" I asked hoping to get something out of him. "No." He said not even looking up so I just left.

A/N 3 votes for next part!
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