I've got a dark alley and a bad idea...

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Your POV
Fuck, I woke up with a banging headache, AGAIN.
I really need to stop getting drunk. I led back and sighed "I'm starting to get feelings of deja vu." I said to myself then suddenly I shot back up and said "Fuck! I kissed Gerard last night!" I jumped out of bed and reached for my phone and called Gerard, he didn't answer. I texted him instead
Me: where are you? I really need to talk to you.
I showered and sorted myself out. I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, which I realised was Petes. I frowned but kept it on anyway that's when
Gee: I'm at Petes. What is it?
Me: Does he mind if I come? I need to talk to you?
Gee: he don't care...

It broke me that I had to go back, it would be so awkward.
I decided that I was going to make an effort with myself as I would see Pete...
I put black eyeliner under my eyes and a wing of brown eyeliner on top, I filled in and carved out my eyebrows and I applied black mascara. I tied Petes T-shirt at the front, so it went up to my lower chest and I put on black short shorts.
I drove to Petes house so I wouldn't get any weird looks. As I knocked at the door, a wave of anxiety hit me and I prayed Pete wouldn't answer, of course he answered though.
He looked me up and down and bit his lip which made me blush. "Hey" He said and smiled weakly at me, "Hey Pete." I said and smiled weakly back, I put my head down hoping he didn't notice that I was blushing, but he did. "Is uh Gerard here?" I asked looking back up at Pete. "Yeah, come in." He said and stepped aside. As I walked past him I turned to look at him and he quickly looked up from checking out my ass. He went red as he realised I had noticed.
"Y/N?" Gerard called from the kitchen. I looked at Pete as to ask for permission to go into the kitchen and he nodded and followed. "Gerard I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you last night, I was way too drunk, and thanks for stopping me." I said a stepped back causing me to bump into Pete, "shit sorry." I said and turned and looked up at Pete. "Fuck I should leave." And I instantly left before anyone could say anything. I stood outside the door and as I was just about to walk on to the street the door opened behind me.  I sighed and turned to see Pete and Gerard standing in the door way. All the other guys sat at the sofa but looked towards us. "Fuck it." I sighed and leaned in and kissed Pete on the lips. Then I pulled away and walked away and got in my car.

Petes POV
I stood stunned, so did everyone else.
"Did that actually happen or am I high?" Brendon asked breaking the silence. "What do I do?" I asked quickly. "Run after her?" Tyler asked.
I ran outside to the street and looked both ways for her, "she's gone, she must've taken her car." I called and walked back into the house.

Your POV
I called Abi
"I kissed Gerard and Pete!" I said panicked.
"What? Y/N start from the beginning." She said surprised
"I got drunk last night and kissed Gerard, I went to Petes about 20 minutes ago to say sorry to Gerard and before I left I kissed Pete." I said and continued to drive. "Where you drunk when you kissed Pete?" She asked. "No!" I shouted surprised at myself when I realised what I'd done. "I'll be over in a bit." She said and hung up

"Alright no drinking alcohol tonight." Abi stated. "Oh Cassie's coming over as well later, she came back from Dubai." I said pretty much ignoring what Abi said.
Once Cassie arrived we explained the whole story to her, "Y/N, Pete needs you, and it seems that you need him!" Cassie said. "Maybe you're right, but I can't just go up to him now it's awkward!" I said, then it was silence "I've got an idea..." I said.

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