They don't believe luck. (Feat. Pre FoB Pete picture)

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Petes POV:
I slowly opened my eyes, I didn't move because I felt something next to me. I slowly turned my head to see Y/N sleeping next to me, well kinda, she was sat in a chair and had her head rested on the bed I seemed to be lying in. She looked so uncomfortable. At that moment it came to me, I was in hospital then I remembered why. I frowned to myself then turned to Y/N. I brushed her hair that was in her face out of the way and tucked it behind her ear. She moved slowly like if she was going to wake up. "Good morning, I think." I said to her and smiled. She slowly opened her eyes.

Your POV
I felt something brush my face, I woke up to see Pete looking at me. "Pete!" I said trying not to scream. I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. "Please tell me this is real and not a dream!" I said pulling away realising how stiff I was from the awkward position I had slept in. "It's definitely not a dream." Pete said and smiled. "But why Pete?" I asked and drew circles on his chest. "I don't exactly know, my bipolar got the best of me and I thought I'd lost you." He said looking away obviously feeling guilty. "Pete I will never leave you again! I promise." I said and began to kiss him passionately, he kissed back and we held each other tight. "What does this mean?" He mumbled against my lips. "That I'm yours, always." I smiled and he kissed me again.

Dr. Harry then walked back in. "Ah Peter, I see you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked. "Good." Pete said smiling at me. "We'll see how you are and if you're fit enough to go home. I have discussed the procedure with Y/N about what will happen so she can explain to you, so then we can get your results sooner." He said walking out. He seemed to be rushed, I explained to Pete what he had told me and he just nodded his head.

~Time skip brought to you by Pete screaming~

"Pete, Y/N, good news, Pete is okay to go home today, but we strongly advise that you stay with him until he's better, also Pete, you should go to a therapist or something that can help, here we can only give you antidepressants, Ativan etc but because of the conditions it's best if we don't give you them." The doctor said looking down at his papers, then left. "That's great news!" I squealed then hugged Pete. "I don't need therapy if I've got you." Pete said as he tidied himself up. "We can discuss it when we get home, okay?" I said putting my hand in his. He nodded and we went to check him out.

"You're wearing my hoodie!" Pete said pointing at it. "I've been wearing this since I found out about what you did." I said squeezing his hand tighter. "Ew" he joked.

"It's nice to be home." Pete said crashing down on the sofa. I came and sat next to him and rested my head on his chest. "So you and Patrick fucked at all while I wasn't here?" Pete asked and raising an eyebrow at me. "What!?" I said sounding slightly annoyed. Pete just stayed silent and looked at me with an innocent look. "No, I stayed with Brendon most the time." I said in defence. "Ahhh so it was Brendon who fucked you." Pete said and clicked his tongue. I sat up off him. "No, Pete I didn't get fucked by anyone, not Brendon or Patrick." I said confused and slightly annoyed. "I know babe, just teasing you." Pete said smirking as he pulled me back on to his lap. "Pete you've just come out of hospital and this is all you can think about?" I laughed but I was being serious. "I haven't been able to fuck you in ages!" He said biting his lip, and I felt his erection grow underneath me. He started kissing me "Pete. No one even knows ur awake and home!" I said pulling away. "We can tell them after." Pete said and pulled me back. "Fine." I said and passionately kissed him back. He began to slide his hands up and down my sides and pulled his hoodie off me, only breaking the kiss to slip it over my head. I backed away. "Listen Pete, call your family and the guys, tell them you're home and fine, then we can continue." I said and stood up. I threw Petes hoodie -which I was wearing before- and threw it into the wash. "You can't leave me like this!" Pete exclaimed and pointed at his crotch. "Your throbbing dick can wait." I laughed then bit my lip looking at his bulge. "It can't!" He said placing his hand over it trying to cause any friction. "Wank off then." I joked and dialled the guys numbers. "Alright then." Pete said and began pumping his erect cock. I tried not to look but I began to feel hot. "Pete!" I whisper shouted. But he continued and groaned under his breath. "This is Patrick?" Came from the phone. "Oh just calling to let you know Pete's fine and out of hospital." I put the phone on speaker. "That's great news, we'll come over right away!" "NO! - Come - Tomorrow." Pete said in between groans. Patrick was silent for a bit. "Okay I'll let you carry on bye." He said quickly and ended the call. I laughed and walked over to Pete. I replaced his hand with mine. Soon after I replace my hand with my mouth. He groaned under his breath as I tried to fit all his length in.
I stopped and he kissed my neck down to my chest. "I want them all to know what we did." Pete mumbled into my ear

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