Fucking Press

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Your POV
"Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz back with stripper Ex!?" I read the title of an article online. "His ex Rebecca unknown last name has been seen outside Wentz's house a lot recently, we thought Wentz was dating Y/N Y/L/N or is with both at the same time?" I continued to read "ughhhh Pete!" I called from the living room. "What's wrong?" Pete asked from the kitchen. "More bullshit articles thanks to the press." I said walking into the kitchen holding my phone out. He quickly read through to get an idea. "What the fuck? Wait she's been seen outside the house?" He asked concerned and confused. "She came once or twice?" I said passing my phone to him. "We'll go out tonight?" He asked. "Want me to do something so shocking they'll forget about this bullshit with Rebecca?" I asked willing to do anything. "What? No, we'll prove it's just me and you." He said and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Are you ready?" Pete called from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah one sec!" I shouted back. I was wearing a strapless black dress that went down to the middle of my thighs. I curled my hair and tied it up. My makeup consisted of purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner underneath, and obviously the full base etc.
I walked down the stairs and it honestly felt like a prom night. Pete turned around to look at me "woah! You look stunning!" He said looking me up and down. "And you be looking handsome!" You said looking at Pete who was wearing a black tux with black skinny jeans. He linked his arm in mine and we headed out the door. "So where are we going?" I asked as we started walking down the street. "You'll see." He said and held me closer.

"Fuck you! Pete! This was a stupid fucking idea! Me and you was a stupid fucking idea, I never want to see you again!" I screamed and ran out of the restaurant tears streaming down my face.

Petes POV
Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at me. I smacked my head into the table as hard as I could then just laid there, thinking. After 5minutes of sulking I guess I got up and left. As I walked around the street which felt like forever I noticed my phone ringing and it was Y/N I had some hope...

A/N well I feel like this was getting boring, so I've spiced things up a bitttt x

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