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A/N oop I'm not dead ✌️

Your POV
I walked into the coffee shop and saw Frank sat at one of the tables on his phone.
"Hey Frank." I said before taking a seat.
He practically jumped out of his chair and engulfed me in a hug. "Y/N! It's been so long. How's things?"

We sat down and ordered a coffee, I began telling him about me, Pete and the baby.
"Only a month along." I said.
"Aww you'll be an amazing mother, I have two kids myself." He said showing me a picture off his phone.
"Cherry and Lily." He smiled.
"They're so cute Frank!" I said.
I began to imagine what it would be like having a child, all the responsibility's.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Frank.
"You and Pete should come over one day for dinner, you can meet Cherry and Lily and my wife Jamia!"
"I'd love to! And I'm sure Pete would." I smiled.

As we sat down and ate the food Jamia and Frank had made we talked about music and family.
Jamia was so pretty... I almost felt jealous.
She was so nice as well, her and Frank were amazing together.
"Why don't we go to a bar?" Frank suggested after we had eaten.
We all agreed to go but obviously I couldn't actually drink.
"Don't worry, we'll let the guys drink but I'll just get a coke or something with you." Jamia smiled.
Franks parents came over to watch their girls while we went in Jamias car to the bar.

A lot of people were at the bar but we managed to get a booth at the back. Me and Jamia both ordered a coke while the boys had different assortments of alcohol.

Later on into the night we were watching a very drunk Pete and a very drunk Frank dance together to the standard pub music. We were laughing a lot from our seats at the sight they'd forget in the morning.

"Come dance with me Y/N!" Pete slurred.
"Actually I'm just gonna step outside and get some fresh air." I laughed.
"I'll come with you and make sure no drunk dick head tries anything with you." Jamia said and got up to follow me.

We stood together outside where it was a lot more quiet.
"What's it like being a mother?" I asked.
"It's one of the best things and yeah it can be a worry but it's such a gift honestly. You and Pete will be amazing parents and me and Frank will be there for you both to help." She said and smiled.
I hugged her "thank you Jamia." I really needed to hear what she said I was already stressing a lot about becoming a mother.

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