I'm sorry.

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Petes POV
I didn't want to tell Y/N where I was going because it was a surprise! It was my friend Ellis calling me, he said it was ready to pick up and I wanted to get it as soon as possible! It was almost 11pm and Ellis gave me a lift home after I collected what I needed. "Y/N!" I called as I got back in. She wasn't downstairs so I guessed she was in bed. I checked our room but she wasn't in there. "Y/N?" I called again. I reached for my phone in my pocket "shit I must've left it at Ellis'!" I said heading to the door. Even though it was chucking down with rain I still walked to Ellis' which was only a half hour journey. I started to run to get there faster.

Your POV
I watched as Gerard called Pete he put it on loudspeaker "Pete!?" He said as it picked up. "This is Petes phone" a girls voice said. "Uhh where's Pete??" Gerard asked "downstairs I think I don't know" she said then hanging up. "What the fuck!?" I screamed then broke down.

Petes POV
I knocked at Ellis' door and wiped the rain from my face. His sister answered "here's your phone Pete, someone called a couple times so I answered, I didn't know you had left!" She said passing me my phone. "Thank you!" I said then quickly calling Y/N as I walked back. "What do you want!?" She screamed into the phone. "What? It's Pete?" I said confused. "I know!" She said. "Where are you?" I said. "Hey Pete, come to mine" Mikey said. I ran to Mikeys as fast as I could. "How could you!?" Y/N ran to me crying! "What!?" I said holding her. "You're cheating on me!" She said backing away. "What!? No! Where did you get that from!?" I said slightly annoyed but mostly upset. "We called you and you were with another girl!" She shouted. "I was at my friend Ellis' house getting something and I left my phone! His sister picked it up and thought I was still there but I had left to come back to you!" I said holding my hand out to her. "Honestly I'll call him now and he'll tell you!" I said as she looked away. I called Ellis and he also explained to Y/N. "Oh right okay I'm so sorry! I'm stupid!" She said hugging me tight. "Don't worry about it!" I said hugging her back. "Well that was something..." Mikey whispered to Gerard. "Yep!" Gerard whispered back. "Sooo, gonna stay the night?" Mikey said. "Uh no sorry, I'm pretty sure I've left a movie on." Y/N said. "And fuck it we'll run home in the rain, I think it'll be fun!" She also said.
I put Y/N on my back and my coat over her head to try keep her dry and we ran, not too fast home. As we got in I said "I'll run you a nice warm bath now" "thanks Pete" she said taking off her wet clothes. "Funnyyy" I said sarcastically. I went upstairs and ran her a nice warm bubble bath, I lit some lavender candles and placed them around the bath. "Y/N!" I called from the bathroom. She came upstairs in my dressing gown which was just a bit too big for her. She took off the dressing gown and handed it to me, she stepped into the bath. Of course I looked at her ass I mean I'm her boyfriend I'm aloud. "Thank you!" She said as I walked out the room. I walked downstairs and as I got into the kitchen I heard "Peteee!" It was Y/N calling me. I went back upstairs into the bathroom, "what's up?" I said walking back in. "Stay here with me! Talk with me." She said "Alright" I said pulling a chair from behind the door and putting it facing the bath. "I'm really sorry for earlier" she said. "Y/N honestly it's fine! I should've explained" I said leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Why are you still in your wet clothes Pete? You catch a cold or something!" Y/N called. "You come first, before me." I said. "Well at least take off the wet clothes and put on the dressing gown." She said pointing to my dressing gown. "Alright, alright!" I said getting up. I pulled off my wet hoodie and set it down, I noticed Y/N was watching me and when I looked up at her she turned away. "You can look." I said laughing and smirking. She turned her head back towards me. I undid my jeans and slipped them off, watching her watch me.

Your POV
wow fuck me Pete was hot! As he took off his jeans I noticed his bulge. "Daddyy" I whispered under my breath. "What was that?" Pete said smirking because he heard me.
I didn't speak I was just exploring Petes body.

A/N sooo what do you think so far?
Good, bad? Lemme know.

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