I may have meant it...

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Your POV
I woke up to notice I was with Pete led on his chest. I lifted up the blanket slightly to see if we had done anything last night, apparently not we both still had some clothes on. I couldn't remember anything at all, all I can remember is walking into the club with Abi and Cassie, after that completely blank. I hissed at the pain in my head which must've woken Pete up "you okay?" He said in a very tired voice. "What did I do last night? I can't remember anything after walking in the club." I said slightly panicked. "A lot..." he said nervously and sat up, I did the same but kept a pillow behind my head. "Oh god" I groaned. "Patrick took you home and you were all over him in the car and on the doorstep in front of me." He started. "You wanted to be naked on the sofa and watch movies with me. Oh and tried to undress me." He continued "then you threw up and went to bed." "Shit, so I've got a lot of apologising to do. I'm sorry Pete." I said and hugged him. "Don't worry about it, it was cute not gonna lie." He smiled and hugged me back. I got out of bed and realised what I was wearing, "shit sorry!" I said and tried to pull the hoodie down. Pete laughed and looked towards the TV.
I walked into the bathroom and showed, and brushed my hair and teeth. After about half an hour I walked back into the bedroom with the towel wrapped around me and one on m head "sorry I thought you were downstairs!" I said as I noticed Pete was still in bed watching the TV. "It's fine you carry on." He said. I managed to pick some underwear and keep both towels on, and went back into the bathroom and put them on.
As I came back out I picked out a pair of black shorts, "Pete?" "Yeah?" He replied and turned to me, I couldn't even be bothered to cover up anymore I mean I was wearing a bra and he's seen it all before. "Can I borrow one of your hoodies please?" I asked. "Yeah, pick one from there." He said and pointed to the chest of drawers, I chose a red and black Clandestine hoodie and slipped it on over my bra, "looks nice." Pete said as I noticed he had been staring at me the entire time. "Thank you Pete." I said blushing. "I'm going to meet Patrick to apologise and ask him what I did when with him." I continued. He nodded and I went back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

Me: Hey, can we go get coffee, I need to apologise. X
Patrick: Of course. I'll meet you there in half an hour? X
Me: That's great! See you then. X

My hair was pretty much dried so I just brushed it through and put it up into a messy bun, I did basic makeup of my eyebrows and some mascara. I walked out of the bathroom to see Pete getting up, "you look cute." He said making me blush again. "Thank you." I smiled and tried to hide my face. "I'll see you later." I kissed Pete on the cheek and left.
I arrived at the cafe at 9:58 roughly the right time, me and Patrick ordered and got our drinks first before talking so there would be no interruptions.
"Please explain to me what I did, Pete said I was all over you. I can't remember anything from after walking in the club." I started. "Well I picked you up, we drove to Petes and suddenly you came and sat on my lap in the car, started riding me, kissing me and saying you loved me. So I took you inside for Pete to put you to bed, and you kissed me passionately again in front of Pete to say goodbye." Patrick said then sipped his tea. "Shit I'm so sorry! Aw god." I said and face palmed myself. "Don't worry about it, you were drunk, you didn't mean any of it." Patrick reassured me.
"So, you and Pete back together?" He asked to changed the subject "he loves you, you know that right?" He added. "Yeah I know and I love him but I think I love someone else as well..." I said making Patrick's eyes widen as he sipped his tea. "Who?" He asked very curiously then took another sip of his tea. "You." I said then looked down, ya this point he had almost spat his tea out in surprise "me?" He said shocked and carefully placed his cup down. "Me?" He repeated. "Yes, you Patrick!" I laughed. He still looked confused. At that moment my phone started ringing it was Andy. "Fuck! We'll be there now!" I said panicked. "Patrick, Pete's in the the hospital! We gonna go now!" I said and he quickly got up and went to his car.
We arrived at the hospital and Joe, Andy and Brendon were in the waiting room. "What happened!" I called and Brendon pulled me into a hug as tears streamed down my face. "H- he tried to kill him self." Brendon said and started crying with me.
I started pacing around the waiting room still crying "it's my fault!" I said over and over again.

A couple hours past and we were aloud in the room 2 at a time. Me and Brendon went in first, I sat next to him and took his hand, the doctors said he over dosed on Ativan. He wasn't awake when we went, he was still unconscious. I sat with him and held his hand the whole time. "I loved him Brendon! I fucking still love him! I never stopped!" I cried

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