Lads night

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"Y/N wait I think you've had enough!" I said. She turned and sat back down next to me, suddenly she leaned in and kissed me...

Gerard's POV
I instantly pulled away, "Y/N you and Pete just broke up, and I'm good friends with both of you, I can't do this to Pete and you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing!" I stammered.
"No it's just you don't feel anything for me!" She slurred. "Y/N you don't feel anything for me! You're drunk." I said starting to get stressed. I walked to the kitchen and moved the wine bottles to the back of the cupboard, and grabbed a bottle of water. "Come on let's get you into bed and drink this." I said and helped her up. "You're not my dad!" She groaned, "you can be my daddy though." She smirked and reached for my belt. "No, just get to bed!" I said and moved away before helping her up the stairs. As she walked into the bedroom she instantly got tucked in, "Come join meee." She said holding her arm out for mine, "good night Y/N I'll speak to you tomorrow when you're sober." I said as I placed the water bottle on her bedside table and left.

Do I call Pete and explain to him? I thought to myself, I texted Pete:
Me: Something happened with Y/N while she's drunk, I'll call you and explain.
He instantly opened the message and called straight away,
"Gerard? What's up with her?" Pete said sounding frightened.
"Nothing serious, I was at hers just chatting and she got drunk as fuck and I told her to stop, she didn't listen and then she kissed me and of course I instantly pulled away, I didn't kiss her back and I explained how to her that it meant nothing as she's drunk, then I got her water and sent her to bed and left, and now calling you." I said worried Pete would be pissed at me. He didn't answer for a bit, "Pete?" I said into the phone and checked connection.
"I'm still here, and thanks for telling me, I'm not pissed at you don't worry. Come over tomorrow?" He said he seemed calm but also like he was going to cry. "Yeah of course man, I can come over now if you need." I said. "Yeah, sure I just got back from the studio so Patrick and the guys are here, fuck it, invite everyone else over." He seemed a bit happier. "Okay I'll call them now, see you man." I hung up and checked the time 07:09pm earlier than I thought.

An hour later I arrived at Petes house with Mikey, Frank, Dallon, Brendon, Josh and Tyler. As we walked in Pete handed a beer to us all and said "no one get too drunk, or drunk at all if possible." Everyone turned to look at Brendon, "Well that spoils my plan!" He joked.

Petes POV
As I invited them in me and Gerard went into the kitchen to talk. "I'm sorry about it." Gerard said looking nervous, "honestly dude don't worry about it!" I said and gave a weak smile. "What did she say? Anything about me?" I asked and bit my lip scared for the answer.
"It's gonna hurt you." He said and looked down at his feet. "Lay it on me." I sighed. "She said something like it was just a one night stand that turned into dating for a few months it didn't mean shit, but she was drunk as fuck, she probably didn't mean it." He said looking sympathetic. "Oh." My voice cracked as I almost cried then and there. He pulled me into a hug, "she's probably thinking about you right now." He said then Brendon walked in, "yeah man she's probably pleasuring herself over you right now." He joked which did make us laugh, we all walked back into the living room and sat down on the sofa and watched some Netflix as we chatted and drank beer, it was all going great, I wasn't really thinking of Y/N.

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