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Petes POV
"So I won't see you for what a year and half!?" I said.
"It's not my fault you're going on stupid tour! It's either music or me." She shouted.
"How can you say that!?" I was upset by her words.
"Okay so you don't support the band? But will happily sleep with Patrick is that what this is about?" I shouted back.
"Calling me a whore now!?"
"I'm not calling you a whore Y/N! What the hell?"
"You know what fuck you Pete I'm fucking going no matter what."
"No! What about our baby?" I begged.
"I'll find a better father for it." She shouted.
"Oh so your breaking up with me?" I asked
"No! Peter!"
"What cheat on me? What are you on about?" I was so confused at this point.
"NO! I didn't mean what I said." She shouted before storming out.

I sighed and flopped down onto the sofa. Then I got back up and went after her, but she was also walking back to the house so we bumped into each other.
"Leave me alone!" She shouted.
"Y/N what are you doing?" I asked in a calm tone.
I followed her back into the house.
"I'm going to Patrick's!" She shouted as she stormed up the stairs.
"Of course you're staying at Patrick's." I sighed.
I waited for her to come back down, she had a bag stuffed with clothes.
"Y/N, don't go!" I said.
"I need to be with Patrick!" She said.
"Why!? Why Patrick, is he the father of the baby or something?" I was on the verge of tears.
"Hopefully!" She shouted and pushed past me.
I was stunned also so confused, was she completely leaving me for Patrick?
"Wha—" I was cut off by her pressing her lips against mine.
"Shut the fuck up Peter Wentz" she said after pulling away.
"No, I need fucking answers, I'm so confused!" I said almost giving up.
"Right, it's your baby okay? I just need a break so I'm going to Patrick's."
"For how long!?" I asked.
"I don't know! How long's a piece of string?" She replied
I face palmed myself and let out a sigh.
"I swear to god if you have sex with him" I said seriously.
"Pete, I'm not going to have sex with Patrick, I'm gonna eat his food and steal his bed." She said and got in her car.
I texted Patrick as I watched her drive off, she beeped her horn at me as she left.

Me: Y/Ns coming over yours
Patrick: Was just about to call you about it.
Me: Don't sleep with her!
Patrick: Pete, you know I wouldn't :/
Me: fine fine.

I led down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, I was trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

Your POV

I sat on Patrick's sofa we were both just on our phones.
"Oh have you heard Franks new record?" Patrick asked.
"Frank?" I questioned.
"Frank Iero used to play guitar for My Chemical Romance, the band Mikey and Gerard were in." Patrick looked at me shocked.
"Wait, Frank Iero!?" I practically shouted.
"Uhhh yeah?" Patrick said.
"You won't believe this, he was my high school boyfriend, my first." I said surprised.
"Oh wow." Patrick laughed.
"Should I text him and congratulate him or something?" I asked.
"If you're on good terms why not." Patrick said and turned back to his phone.

I looked up Franks insta and sent a message.

Me: Frank! Congrats on the record. :)
Frank: Y/N? Thanks! We should catch up are you free to meet for coffee one day this week?
Me: sure, how about Friday?
Frank: sounds great! Here's my number. *franks #*

"Well?" Patrick asked.
"We're meeting for coffee on Friday." I smiled.
"Cool, you know you're carrying your boyfriend Petes baby right?" Patrick said.
"Yeah I know,  we can just be friends pat." I said calling him pat to annoy him.
Before he could say it I said "don't call me pat!"
We both burst out laughing.

Time skip bc I'm not okay

I walked through my door to find Pete staring up at the ceiling lying on the sofa. I walked over to him to make sure he wasn't dead. I sat myself on his lap and looked at him. He just moved his eyes onto me.
"Hello." I said and smiled.
"Hi." He said and leaned up and kissed my head.
"I'm meeting Frank Iero on Friday for coffee and a catch up." I said and placed my arms on his shoulders.
"Frank Iero? Since when do you call people by their full name unless they've done something?" Pete asked placing his hands on my waist.
"He was my high school boyfriend, first guy I was with, and he realised a record so we decided to meet up to catch up." I said and smiled.
"You're not gonna leave me for him are you?" Pete asked and kissed my cheek.
"No! Pete of course not." I said burying my face in his neck.

A/N I am sorry for not updating regularly/ for the shitty chapter.
I also made a nsfw account on insta -@/emonsfw if you wanna check it out x

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