Death inspires me.

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Your POV
I checked my phone,
5:09pm "can we go to see Pete?" I asked Brendon who was looking for food in the cupboards. "Yeah sure but I'm starving!" He said surprised I caught him looking for food in every cupboard. "We'll go for food after, also there's Doritos in there." I said and pointed to the bag of food I had bought yesterday. Brendon ran to the bag and brought the Doritos with him.
"I really thought it was real, that he was awake." I said softly as Brendon got in the passenger seat of the car. "He could be." Brendon said before filling his mouth with Doritos. "Do you want some time alone with him?" He asked and turned to look at me. "Yeah please." I said after a pause.
We didn't say a word the rest of the way to the hospital, it was silent apart from Brendon munching on a Dorito every so often.
"I'll wait outside." Brendon said as we reached the room Pete was it in. I smiled at Brendon to hide the fact I was about to break down, he sat down and began to wait.
As I walked into the room Pete wasn't awake, at that moment a doctor came in. "Hello, I'm Dr. Harry. You must be his girlfriend Y/N?" The doctor said as he looked down at me. I paused for a bit, not knowing what to say. "Yeah, well kind of." I said back. "Oh okay, sorry I sort of presumed you were, anyway we've just got some rest results back." Dr. Harry said changing the subject. "We have noticed Peter, moving slightly, so he's not completely flat out, this means he could wake up. For the test results we've found that this won't have any negative affect on him such as, memory loss, speech problems or any change in behaviour/ attitude. When he wakes up and is ready to go home, we will need someone who he trusts and can be honest with to stay with him for a bit until he's better, we'd also recommend that he tries a therapist if this will help. And one last thing, any sharp objects, medicines or anything Peter could use to try cause any harm to himself must be kept away." The doctor said. I managed to take it all in. I nodded then turned to look at Pete. "Any questions?" He asked. I thought about if I had any good questions but I only had the obvious. "When will be wake up?" "We don't know when for sure yet, but we've estimated within the next few days." Those were his final words before walking out the room leaving me alone with Pete. I rested my head next to him and held his hand. "I'll stay here with you. I won't leave your side, I love you Pete, I always have. Please wake up!" I started to drift off until Brendon walked in. "Is everything okay? What did the doctor say?" He asked. "They said Pete could wake up within the next few days, and he won't have any negative affects." I said softly. "So its all good news!" Brendon smiled. "Yeah but what if he doesn't wake up?" I said to Brendon. "Y/N don't think like that! He should be fine, okay?" Brendon said and kissed my forehead. "We've got an hour odd till visiting hours are up." He said as he sat in the chair near the door. "I want to stay with him." I said and held his hand tighter. "I'll speak to someone." Brendon said as he left the room. "I promise Pete, I will stay here with you, I will be here when you wake up, I will always be here with you." I said and I gently kissed his forehead and began to patiently wait for Brendon to come back.
"You're aloud to stay, they said because Pete should be waking up in a few days or something they said you could stay." Brendon said walking back into the room. "Thank you Brendon, for everything!" I said and hugged him. "It's okay, I'm gonna go now so y'know call me if anything happens or you need anything." He said back.


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