I'm sleeping my way outta this one.

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Your POV
We stayed until visiting hours were up, he didn't move at all the whole time, the doctors and nurses just said he needs time, what? Time to die!?

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" Brendon asked as we got out his car outside mine and Pete's house, "I'll be fine, I'll go straight to bed." I said and hugged Brendon goodbye.
I closed the door behind me and instantly broke down! It's my fault, it's all my fucking fault. I slipped down against the door and started to cry into my hands. Everything reminded me of him, well it is his fucking house.
I took a deep breath and finally got up after a good half an hour of sitting there. I went into the bedroom, put on one of Pete's clandestine hoodies and began to cry myself asleep.

Patrick: His family are going to see him today, they said they'd update us if anything happens, we'll go see him tomorrow. X
Me: Okay. Xx

I was pretty gutted I couldn't visit him today, but I understand his family would need some alone time with him.
I didn't know what I was gonna do with myself today, I decided to lay in bed all day, fuck food, fuck fresh air, it's my fault he's in the hospital, I don't deserve anything anymore. What if Pete never wakes up, it's all my fault!

I decided to turn my phone off for the day, if anyone really needed me they could come to the house. I told Patrick this and he said alright so I'm guessing it's fine.
The day felt like it was dragging, it was only 11am and I had napped about 10 times. I decided I would try sleep some more to get my mind off things.

Dale: You can visit Pete by yourself now if you want, I understand what he means to you and that you may want some alone time with him. Xx

I woke up to the text off Pete's mother but I was late replying "fuck!" I said realising it was the next fucking day. I went straight to the hospital still wearing Pete's hoodie, no one was with him so I went in alone.
"I'm so sorry Pete, I love you. I never should've left you it was so stupid of me. I left you because you deserve better, way fucking better than me. I'm a terrible person and now look what I've done. I love you Pete! I always have I want to have kids with you I want to marry you, I want to grow old with you! But I probably can't!" I said to him as I held his hand tight, I kissed his forehead and said "I love you so much Pete Wentz." Before resting my head next to his. I held his hand tight and fell asleep next to him.
I woke up and felt a kiss on my head, I was in a very awkward position sat on a chair resting my head on the hospital bed I turned up to see Pete awake, "Pete!" I said jumping up and hugging him. "I'm so sorry!" I cried "It's not your fault, and I heard everything you said earlier, is it true?" He weakly and hugged me back. "Of course it's true!" I cried and hugged him tighter.
At that moment a doctor walked in "ah mr. Wentz I see you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked "um okay yeah surprisingly tired." Pete laughed. "We'll run some tests in about an hour and get you food and drinks then depending on the results we can send you home." The doctor said before walking out.

We started to wait for Pete's results...

I woke up in mine and Petes bed and an empty room, I was so confused. "Hey Brendon?" I said into the phone. "Y/N is everything okay? Patrick said you were turning your phone off and only turning it on for emergencies?" Brendon said in a panicked tone. "Yeah I'm fine but where's Pete? He got let out of hospital?" I said more confused. "What? No he didn't, did he? His family are currently visiting him? What?" Brendon sounded very confused. Before I could say anything he said "I'm coming over, stay put!"

Within minutes Brendon was knocking at my door, I got up out of bed "I thought I was wearing Petes hoodie?" I said to myself before opening the door. "Y/N are you okay?" Brendon asked and he sat on the sofa next to me. "I-i thought Pete came home?" I said disappointed "it was just a dream." I continued. "We'll go see him later or tomorrow first thing, depending on how long his family are staying." Brendon said and hugged me tight. "Brendon I can't sleep! I need Pete I can't do anything without him, I can't do anything knowing it's my fault!" I cried. "Y/N it's not your fault!" Brendon said and rubbed my back gently. "If I wasn't such an asshole..."

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