Meeting the band.

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I'm gonna try fix the POV shit, I'll do Your POV (author) which will be the author describing what's happening but it's still your POV and same with other characters x

Petes POV
Y/N must've been taking me to her house as we definitely weren't walking to mine. I thought to myself "what's going to happen with living arrangements and shit, are we gonna move in together?" Instead of thinking about the future I kept thinking of the current mood.
As we arrived at Y/N's house I stripped her as fast I could.

Your POV
Pete started kissing me and biting my bottom lip and sliding his lips down to my neck. I pulled down his jeans and pants, showing his exited member, I kissed his bat heart tattoo and kiss him down to the tip of his dick. I started sucking his dick and as he moaned he grew bigger in my mouth.

Your POV (author)
You started walking up the stairs and wiggled your finger for him to follow, and he did. You sat on your bed all open ready for him, he started to circle his finger around your entrance "when you cum, scream my name" Pete said thrusting his dick fast inside you. You were about to moan his name but he put his finger on your lip and said "you must be silent, only scream my name when you cum" you knew he was teasing you and just wanted to watch you squirm. Every time he thrusted harder and harder in you, you tried your best not to make noise. You bit into his collar bone and as he fucked you, you bit down harder to stop yourself from moaning. He moaned in your ear as you bit down on him. You licked around his thorn tattoo. "PETEEEEEE" You screamed as you came, he pulled his dick out of you and you had came all over his dick. As soon as he pulled out he came all over your stomach as he went in raw. "Sorry" he said kissing you. "It's fine" you said kissing him back.

Time skip a few hours.
"I have to go to the studio tomorrow" Pete said. "Oh okay, did you want to go back to yours now then? I can walk you" You said, kinda sad he had to leave. "No, you should come with me!" Pete said exited, "you can meet my friends!" "That would be great and I would love to see you play." You said smiling. "What are we gonna do about living arrangements?" Pete said. "I could sell my house and move in with you, then I could give you the money I get to pay for your house a bit" you said jumping up. "Sure if you wish too! Obviously you can have some time to pack and all so there's no rush." Pete said.

Oof another time skip. Next day.
"Y/N, we should get ready to go to the studio!" Pete said gently tapping you.
You were exited to watch Pete play so you both got ready pretty quick.
It was 7:53am you both left early to get to the studio and not be followed by any fans.
"Hey guys, I want you to meet someone!" Pete called as you entered the studio. You saw three guys walk into the entrance. "Patrick, Joe, Andy, this is Y/N my girlfriend." Pete said. "Hey!" You said nervously. While waiting for everything to be set up you got to know the guys more. "Come on guys!" You heard someone call. "Sit in here and you can watch." Pete said pointing to a sofa.
Woah they are amazing at playing! You thought. You couldn't take your eyes off Pete. Then suddenly you felt a presence, a guy had just sat down next to you "Hey sexy, you lost?" He said stroking your arm. He started kissing your cheek, "Get off me!" You screamed and pushed him away. The music stopped and Pete and the guys all ran out "what the fuck is going on!?" Pete yelled "He started kissing me!" You said running to Pete and pointing at the guy. "Who the fuck are you!?" Joe yelled at the guy. "And how did you get in here!?"Patrick said. Without hesitation Pete punch the guy right in the face causing him to fall back on the sofa. As soon as he fell back Pete grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the back of the building.

Petes POV
"What the fuck did you do to my girlfriend!?" I said holding him against the wall. "Nothing! She was coming on to me!" He said trying to defend himself. "NO! she wasn't you perv!" I said punching him again. I looked up and saw Y/N looking down from the window. "She's a slag anyway, I've seen her dancing in the strip club, standing on dodgey streets, she's a hooker!" He shouted. I looked back up at Y/N she seemed sad then turned away. I punched the guy once more then threw him out into the streets.

Your POV
I heard it all, what if Pete believed him!? No I'm not or was a stripper I never have been! Shit! Fuck! I decided to leave and go back to my house. "Where are you going?" Patrick called from behind me, I turned back to look at him. "Why are you crying? Are you okay?" Patrick said looking concerned "I'm fine" you said wiping your tears away "I-i just.." you said and just left.

Patrick's POV
Shit Petes girlfriend had just walked off, did we set a bad example? I thought to myself "where's Y/N?" Pete said walking back in. "Um she just left, she was crying" I said "what?? Why?? Where did she go??" Pete said looking very concerned. "She didn't say! I'm sorry Pete"

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