Fourth Of July

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Your POV
"I've got an idea..." I said and stood up.
"A bad idea." Abi added. "I'll explain in the morning, I need to think." "We'll be off then." Cassie said and they both left.
I woke up to a spam of twitter notifications:
"Fall Out Boy's Fourth Of July about bassists Pete Wentz' Ex?
Fall Out Boy released American Beauty/ American Psycho, including the top hits: Centuries and Uma Thurman but are some songs aimed at Wentz' ex?
"The fuck?" I thought to myself, I still enjoyed Fall Out Boy's music. So I listened to the album all the way through, no interruptions. After listening to the album twice I replayed Fourth Of July and noticed the similarities between our relationship. It was definitely my favourite on the album. I texted Andy, Joe and Patrick saying congratulations then I wondered wether to text Pete. "I've got to." I said aloud and texted him
Me: Congratulations on the album! I love it, Fourth Of July is my favourite. X
I admitted, I wondered wether to say that or not, I also realised his name was still Pete♥️ in my phone from when we were together. I didn't bother changing it...
Pete♥️: Thanks! You should come over sometime, to uh catch up. X
Pete♥️: I mean you don't have to or anything, sorry I shouldn't have asked... X
Me: I'd love to. X
I wasn't too sure if going over Petes was the best idea but it kept running through my mind what Cassie had said, my idea kept running through my mind as well.
I decided to make an effort again as I was going to Petes house, I had to wear one of his tops though. I found a vest top of his abs again tied it up, a little higher this time. I threw on a black pencil skirt and pulled it up to my ass, yes very short I know but I don't care. I was debating wether to put fishnet tights on but went with no. I did my makeup the same as I had grown to like it and I straightened my hair.

Petes POV
I didn't know if it was the best idea to invite her over, obviously I wanted her over but I didn't know if she actually wanted to come over. She must've seen the articles about Fourth Of July fuck, what if she was taking the piss? It's all just a joke, she's trying to fuck with me, she's going to mock me and argue with me. I shouldn't have invited her over! I started panicking and I must've started crying because I felt tears falling down my face at that moment I heard the door knock, I took a deep breath in and opened it. "Pete? What's wrong?" Y/N said and pulled me into a hug. "Panic attack's" I said and she pulled me in closer. "It's okay I'm here now." She said in a calm voice. I felt myself becoming calmer. I broke away and sat down on the sofa and Y/N followed. "Sorry it just started before you arrived." I said "it's okay, if you're okay?" She said and wiped the tears from my face and eyes. I smiled weakly at her and she smiled back. "So the albums really good!" She said breaking the silence. "Yeah, you like Fourth Of July then." I said nervously. "Yeah." She said and smiled nervously as well. "I'm sorry, I wrote it the night we broke up, it is aimed at you I'm so sorry, I understand if you hate me and want to leave." I blurted instantly regretting it. "it's fine, no I don't hate you or want to leave." She said. It was awkward silence until I said "I noticed your wearing my shirt, and you did last time you came here, yesterday?" "Yeah, I guess I didn't realise, sorry do you want it back?" She said and took off the shirt. "Woah, it's fine you keep it." I said not realising I was staring at her chest. She noticed I was but surprisingly didn't say anything. She put the shirt back on and tied it up again. "Is there a reason you've been dressing like that?" I asked "what?" She said sounded offended. "I'm not trying to offend you but is there a reason you come over dressed like, sexy? You knew what I mean?" I asked. She blushed and looked away and as she looked back up at me she bit her lip and said, "I know what you mean but I don't know." I smiled back at her, "I mean jeez every time I see you I want to ma-" she cut me off "you know I hate that word!" She was bright read and laughed. "After you leave I have to m-" "shhhhh" she said cutting me off and placing her finger on my lip. "Sorry, you wasn't meant to know that." I said and smiled against her finger. She laughed.

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