Can you be any louder?

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Smut again

Your POV
You woke up to the sound of heavy rain hitting the windows and a text from Patrick "Hey Y/N! Do you and Pete wanna stay around mine tonight? Joe and Andy are, we're gonna watch films and stuff!" Pete was already up and about so you tiredly walked down stairs in just one of his shirts "good morning beautiful!" He called from behind "Patrick texted me asking if we wanted to stay, you up for it?" He added. "Yeah sure, he texted me as well." You said wrapping your arms around Pete.
You both put on some comfortable clothes and brought a extra pair for tomorrow and headed to Patrick's. When you arrived you realised that Brendon was also staying over, and Brendon is wilddd, so you knew it was gonna be a party.

Time skip.
Petes POV
"Hey Pete!" Brendon called already a bit tipsy "you wanna know what would annoy the guys?" He said grabbing another beer and one for you. "What?" I asked "you and Y/N should fuck in one of their beds, or the sofa!" He said laughing "Brendon really?" I said also laughing. That's when Y/N walked to fridge, "Hey Pete, hey Brendon!" She said bending down to get some snacks from the bottom cupboards. "Pretend to fuck her! She'll love that!" Brendon whispered to me. I just looked at him confused but laughed a little. Then he gently pushed me into Y/N making me almost fall on top of her instead it was me banging into her ass and grabbing her shoulders so she didn't fall. "Woah Pete?" She said standing back up. "Uh shit I'm sorry" I said touching her hand slightly. She smirked at me then walked out to the living room. "See what did I tell you?" Brendon said patting me once on the back. I shook my head and laughed and we walked back into the main room.

Your POV
I thought to myself "I've never been with just Pete and a tipsy Brendon, but Pete was really teasing me in front of him?"
You ended up watching a lot of movies it was 4:14am (a/n actual time for me rn) you decide to call it a night. Patrick showed you all to rooms. "Obviously I'll be in my room, Andy there's another bed in here, Brendon and Joe you take the 3rd room, and Pete and Y/N take the one in the middle"

Petes POV
We were kind of drunk, but what Brendon said to do earlier kept racing through the mind. As Y/N was taking off her clothes, I walked over to her and I without any hesitation I started exploring her mouth with mine and making my way to her jaw and neck. I knew she wanted it, with the way she's been looking at me all night.

Your POV
Pete latched on! I had been waiting for everyone to call it a night from ever since Pete "accidentally" bumped into my ass, I felt his bulge on me, like he was teasing me, I have been wet since. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard and I want you to scream my name in every moan" Pete said taking off my clothes. I nodded with excitement.

V small time skip (a few minutes)

Patrick's POV
I woke up to screaming, I looked at my phone 4:43am, I had only been asleep for a few minutes. That's when I realised the screaming was Y/N. Suddenly Brendon came barging in the room with Joe behind him "can you hear Y/N and Pete!?" Brendon said laughing "yeah, can they be any louder(!)" I said in a sarcastic tone. We all sat in awkward silence, unintentionally listening to Y/N and Pete. "Well this is awkward" Andy said breaking the silence. Everyone started talking at once to cancel out the sound of Pete and Y/N.

Brendon's POV
"Let's have a bet, what time they'll stop! I think around 6:30?" I said to the guys. "Hmm nah 5?" Joe said "I don't wanna know" Andy said laughing and lying back down. "Yeah neither" Patrick also said lying back down. "Come on Joe I bet you £20! And let's go back to our room"

Time skip till late morning/early afternoon.

Brendon's POV still.
We were all sat around eating breakfast except Pete and Y/N until
"Hey guys!" Y/N said walking to the fridge in Petes shirt. Then Pete came behind her. "Where's my £20 then Joe?" I said looking at Pete and Y/N.
They both looked at me confused and I burst out laughing. "What?" They both said. "We all heard everything last night and Joe and Brendon bet £20 on what time you'd finish, Brendon won with 6:30 and Joe lost with 5" Patrick said filling them in. "Ohh" Y/N said looking at Pete.

A/N Oof love that I get like 4 views😂 I wasn't expecting anyone to read my shit and i don't care the amount I get, I'm writing this because I'm bored, and maybe other people will like it. Lemme know what you think so far? X

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