The past.

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Petes POV

I had to find Y/N, she saw everything, what if she thought I was a violent person, I'm not! I just wanted to make sure she was okay! She wasn't a stripper before, was she? Ah shit!

Your POV
I sat on the sofa crying curled in a ball, when I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was Pete, well I expected it to be Pete. It was Pete, he wrapped his arms around me and said "I'm so sorry, I've fucked up" "how? You haven't done anything have you?" I said looking him in the eyes not breaking the hug. "Well I'm not a violent person, I would NEVER hurt you!" He said holding me tighter. "I know Pete! I left because I thought you would believe I was a whore, I wasn't! It's all bullshit! Please believe me!" I said starting to cry again. "Y/N I know you ain't a whore! Want to know how I could tell?" He said stroking my hair. "Because whores don't look cute!" "What?" You said looking up at him and laughed a little. "I don't know, I just know you're not a whore okay?" He said also laughing.

"What was your past like?" Pete said curiously. "Literally boring, same shit as any persons. I said laughing, "did you really think I was interesting or something?" I continued to say.
"You are interesting!" Pete said

Time skip.
After a long while of Pete complimenting you, you both went back to the studio to record more songs for the new album, this time you kept an eye out for any strangers coming in. After they were finished for the day it was pretty late so you stayed at Petes.
You and Pete stayed up all night and all early morning just cuddling and watching Netflix. "What's time?" I said sleepy, Pete pulled out his phone it read 7:14am, "shit we stayed up all night" he said. "Are we going to the studio today?" I asked "nope, we can sleep together all day" he replied unbuttoning his shirt ready to sleep. "If we sleep today I'll take you out tomorrow" he said rubbing your thigh.

A/N sorry it's short x

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