Got a sunset in my veins

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A/N yeah the titles will be the song in my head or what ever I'm listening to, unless I think of a decent title to go with the story.

Your POV

"I'll go put the food away then I'll come back for my stuff." I said to Pete and got out of his car. "No, I'll get your stuff, don't worry." I walked into the house and started putting the bits of food away. Pete walked in with both my suitcases "I'll put these in your room." He said "my room?" I asked confused there was 2 bedrooms, Petes and the one he changed into a music room. "You can have my bedroom." He called from the stairs. "No, I'll take the sofa Pete." I called back and went after him. "Pete I'll sleep on the sofa." I said as I entered the room. He turned to look at me and said "you can sleep in here Y/N it's fine." "Pete it's your bed, not mine." "Exactly so I decide who sleeps in it and I've decided that you will." He smirked thinking I was defeated "and what if I refuse?" I said smirking back,
He walked over to me, stood only a couple inches away from my face, "you can't refuse." He whispered in my ear, he lifted me up over his shoulder, "Hey!" I said confused. He placed me on the bed and put the sheets on top of me "your not my dad!" I laughed. He just smirked and pinned me down on the bed, he was on top and we locked eyes for a bit. He leaned in but was instantly cut off by his phone ringing "ughh" he groaned and rolled his eyes "hello?" He said to the phone with gritted teeth, I sat up confused, he seemed really annoyed at whoever was calling. "What?" He said confused and turned to look at me "No, no fucking way." He shouted and hung up. I didn't know whether to speak or not, "Everything okay?" I asked and stood up next to him. "Uh just some fucking guy trying to be funny." He said and rolled his eyes again. "What did he say?" I asked. "Something about you were his and he was gonna collect you and you were pregnant with his child?" He said and looked at me asking for reassurance "what? I'm not pregnant and if I was it'd be yours I've only slept with you and your the only guy I've dated." I said concerned. "Really? What about highschool?" He asked "Pete, I was that 'emo' kid who only had two friends; Abi and Cassie. No one wanted to get in my pants or anything. I laughed and shook my head "I was a virgin before I met you, you were my first time!" I admitted "really? I would've made it special if I knew it was your first time, and after you were so good I guessed you'd had experience." He said surprised. "It was special because it was with you." I said and blushed. He smirked then said, "please don't get annoyed at me for asking this but after we broke up did you sleep with Gerard or anyone else?"  He looked scared for my reaction but I stayed chill, "nope, only you." I said and smirked. "You haven't had sex since then? Jeez what do you do?" He said smirking knowing the real answer. "I'm not telling you!" I smirked and shook my head again "anyway what about you, fucked anyone else?" I asked knowing he would give a honest answer. "No, you know what I do." He said winking at me. "Jeez just get back together already!" We turned to see Joe, Andy and Patrick stood at the door way. Me and Pete both went bright red and looked at each other "oh hi guys, thanks for knocking." Pete said sarcastically. "How much did you hear?" I said feeling embarrassed "enough to know your not pregnant and Pete still wanks over you." Joe laughed "anyway Pete, we're going on tour for American Beauty/ American Psycho in a couple weeks we need to plan." Patrick said changing the conversation. "I'll leave and let you plan." I said and left before anyone could stop me, I didn't want to get in the way and I was pretty embarrassed about the boys hearing the whole conversation it felt like they had just walked in on me and Pete.

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