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A/N currently don't know how this chapter is gonna go and what to call it so could be shit but yah.

Your POV
As we all sat down for breakfast there was an awkward silence. I couldn't stop thinking about how the guys heard me and Pete last night. "Sooo I thinking of inviting, Dallon, Josh, Tyler, Mikey and Gerard over and we can all chill or party like the old times!" Patrick said breaking the silence. The guys replied with yes and okays. "Cool, I call them now." Patrick said walking into the living room.
A little while later they all arrived.

Petes POV
I don't think the rest of the guys have met Y/N yet so obviously I introduced them. "This is Y/N, my girlfriend! No flirting with her or any other shit." "Hey great to meet you all!" She said shaking their hands, "nice to meet you to." They replied. "We should probably just watch a movie, I think Y/N and Pete are very tired from last night!" Joe said laughing. "Hahaha very funny Joe, but we can do other things like go in the pool." I said.
I wrapped my arm around Y/N and that's when there was a knock at the door. "Who could it be?" Patrick said looking confused. I pulled Y/N closer to me as we watched Patrick open the door. It was Rebecca, my ex. What the fuck is she doing here? She's a snobby cow, only cares about herself! She used me for fame and money! "Ha is this your down grade Pete!?" She said looking Y/N up and down. "Who the fuck are you?" Y/N said stepping towards her.
Your POV
"I'm Rebecca! And I can see your dating my ex" she was tall and plastered with makeup which clearly didn't match her face. "So? Why the fuck have you come here?" I said looking at her orange line on her neck to her face. "Because I wanted to do this." She said as she walked over to Pete, grabbed his neck and kissed him on the lips. I quickly grabbed the back of her hair pulling her backwards on to the floor. Pete started gagging and ran to the sink. "Stay off my fucking man you whore!" I screamed at her and countlessly punched her caked face.

Petes POV
She made me feel sick! I kept wiping my mouth in a towel! As I came back over I saw Y/N punching her. I wasn't gonna stop her she deserved it! "Is anyone gonna do anything??" Josh said looking shocked. "Okay Y/N that's enough for now!" Dallon said as he pulled Y/N off her. Rebecca was completely black and blue "I will come for you Y/N she said as she wiped the blood from her mouth. "Come on then whore! Come on!" Y/N said trying to get at her but I held her back "if you come near Pete or any of these guys again, you're dead! You hear me!?" Y/N said staring at Rebecca with an evil look. Rebecca turned and walked out slamming the goddamn door behind her. "Okay one question. What the fuck just happened?" Gerard said looking around at everyone. "She's my ex, but you're right she is a whore, I after a week of being together I left her because she was a whore and used me." I said still wiping my mouth. "Y/N I did not know you had that in you!" Brendon said giving her a high five.

Your POV
"I don't want any whores near my man!" I said hugging Pete. "I love how you threw up when she kissed you!" Tyler said laughing. "She honestly makes me feel sick and her kissing me just pushed the boundaries uckkk" Pete said gagging again. Pete ran too the sink, washed his mouth and spat a lot. "Please can we not talk about it I'm gonna spew again!" Pete said looking rough. I walked over to Pete and kissed him "there now it's mine" I said laughing a little. "Your really gonna kiss him on the lips after he threw up?" Mikey said in a quiet voice not expecting to be heard. "Well the stuff they do in the bedroom is pretty wild sooo" Joe said laughing. "Okay we don't need everyone to know what we do, Joe." I said lightly laughing. "Maybe you should be quieter!" Joe said joking around. "Okay I get that something happened last night and I figured out what that something was but is it really necessary to keeping bringing up?" Gerard said.

Time skipp
"Do you guys mind if I invite my friend Chase over? He's the new kid in school and I'm supposed to be his friend so ya know how it is" Mikey said holding his phone out ready to call him. "Sure thing dude!" Patrick said.

Oof a small time skip this other Geezer is here now.
Your POV
"I'm going in the pool!" I said hoping Pete would join me. "I'll just go change" as I walked back out in a black bikini I felt insecure. I walked out with my hands pretty much trying to cover my body. "Don't worry Y/N!" Patrick said noticing I was hiding myself. None of the guys were in love with me so i knew they wouldn't be all over me in that way. I noticed Pete exploring my body with his eyes and smiling to himself. But I also turned to see Mikey's friend, Chase exploring my body, which made me feel uncomfortable as I'm about 6-7 years older than him. I quickly ran and jumped into the pool and I noticed some of the other guys had changed to go in but I couldn't stop looking at Pete. "Fuck I think these swimmers are too small for me!" He said covering his bulge and nervously laughing "I packed another pair of yours in my bag" I said getting out the pool. As me and Pete walked back into the house I noticed Chase still looking at me. Mikey hadn't noticed what he was doing. So I hooked arms with Pete.

A/N to be continued....
Ahhh so this is how it turned out.

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