Oops I did it again.

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Brendon's POV
I texted the group chat with:
Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy, Josh, Tyler, Dallon, Ryan, Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Y/N
Me: Yo all of us going to Pete and Y/Ns to celebrate him being okay!
Everyone agreed but Y/N and Pete didn't open the message, eh they won't mind if we all show up.

About 15mins later we all met up at mine and headed to Pete and Y/Ns.
Dallon knocked at the door. We waited. Nothing. I knocked this time harder. Still nothing. "Wait shhh a sec!" Mikey said. "fu-fuck PETE!" We heard and all looked up to the top window. We burst out laughing. "Oh my god! Come on we can try get around the back." Tyler said and climbed on the hedge. "Come on!" He called as he walked along to the back garden. We followed him.

Petes POV
After we had both reached our climax I led next to her. "Who ever knocked the door, I'm guessing the postman or something hopefully heard that." I said smirking and kissed Y/Ns head. "YOOO!" Brendon shouted as he burst through the door with the rest of the guys behind him. "FUCK!" I shouted and pulled the bed sheets over me and Y/N. "I have so many questions.." Y/N quietly said as she held onto the covers. "Get dressed!" Tyler chimed in and poked his head around the door before closing it

Your POV
Fuck well that's awkward. I turned to Pete and said "I don't really want to go down now" I laughed nervously. "I'm confused as to why they're here." Pete said putting on a clean pair of jeans. We both got dressed and headed downstairs. "Finally! Did you have sex again?" Joe laughed. I glared at Joe not impressed. But Pete on the other hand burst out laughing and said "yeah man!" I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen "you smell like sex." Brendon said as I walked past him. I rolled my eyes again acting like I didn't hear his comment and grabbed a glass of water. I came back into the living room to see all the guys sat around the table. "What is this Boy Scouts?" I laughed and sat at on the sofa. "I think I'll get out, I'll go somewhere with the girls, haven't seen them in a while." I chimed in. "Okay, text me later and I'll pick you up?" Pete called from the table. "It's fine, you rest and hang with the guys I'll take my car." I smiled at Pete and headed upstairs. I texted the group chat with Abi and Cassie in:
Me: going out for food. Xxx
Abi: Yes! Both meet at my house in like 20mins? Xxx
Cassie: yesss, I'll book us a table at the Spice Lounge. Xxx
I decided to make an effort, 20 minutes should be plenty of time, I hope! I had a quick shower to get the smell of sex off me, I straightened my hair and did a full face of makeup but nothing too dramatic. I had 5 minutes left, it was fine. I just needed to get dressed. I slipped on a black mini dress and added some jewellery. "Wow!" Pete said as I came down the stairs. I blushed and smiled at him. "I'm going to the Spice Lounge with Abi and Cassie, I'll be back later, I love you." I said and pecked his lips. "I love you too." He said.

I arrived at Abi's house just on time. "We'll take my car." I said. Abi was wearing a checkered dress, with a black turtle neck underneath, with light makeup and her hair also straightened. Cassie was wearing a purple dress, with a everyday makeup look and curled hair. We were like the three musketeers! We've known each other since we were 12.

The Spice Lounge was a very fancy restaurant, we walked in and was greeted by a man dressed in full back tux. "Have you booked a table ladies?" He asked. We gave him the booking information and he showed us to the table. "I'll be over shortly to take your orders." I smiled and walked away. "I don't belong here." I laughed. "You do!" Abi laughed and passed around a menu.

After amazing starter and main course it was time for desert! We ordered the same and our 2nd glasses of red wine. "Do you remember the time we all got high together when we were 14?" Cassie laughed trying not to talk so loud. "That was fucking hilarious!" Abi shouted. An older lady on the table behind us turned and looked at us. "Sorry." Abi whispered and giggled.

Once the night was over at 9:30 I drove Abi and Cassie to their houses, it wasn't far from the restaurant and we all lived pretty close. I was still pretty sober, 2 glasses of red wine with food. I opened the door and instantly kicked off my heels and let out a sigh. I saw Pete asleep on the sofa. I sat next to him and he instantly woke up. "I wanted to wait for you." He said half asleep. "Go to bed, I'm gonna have a quick shower then I'll join you.

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