But it's better if you do

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Your POV
"Well I should probably get going, thanks for inviting me over this was great." I said checking my phone for the time: 9:27pm.
Petes POV
"It's okay, thanks for coming over!" I said and smiled weakly at Y/N thinking it could be the last time I see her. I walked her to the door and she pulled me into a hug then kissed my cheek.

Your POV
I walked with a smile on my face the whole way, I was happy to see Pete and I had a great time with him, but I wasn't in the best mind state at the moment to be thinking of relationships I don't know, my mind didn't love anyone.
As I got in I went straight to bed as I was shattered and needed to stop thinking.
"Fuck sake!" I tiredly said as my phone was ringing loud next to me. It was 6:48am who the fuck calls at this time.
"Hello?" "Hello is this Y/N Y/L/N?" Said a very awake woman. "Yes, speaking." I said confused. "You have until 9am today to pay, or you will be removed from the house." She stated. "What?" I said and shot up. "Yes we sent an email to you 4weeks ago, saying you must pay £56,000 by 17th January at 9am, or the house you are currently calling home won't be yours anymore." "What!? I didn't get an email and I don't have that money!" I said honestly. "If you know that you can't get the money by 9am please pack up and leave by 9am to make it easier for the evictors and if you refuse to leave we will get police involved, thank you!" She said and hung up. I instantly burst out crying and started gathering my stuff. I called Abi, Cassie and some other of my girl friends, I knew none of the guys could let me stay so I had one last option, Pete...

"Pete!" I managed to say through the tears.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He sounding very concerned.
I explained the whole story to him, while crying and packing into two big suitcases. "You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you want, if you want to of course. I understand if you don't." He said. "Are you sure Pete? After everything I've done?" I said desperately. "Of course, text me when you're ready, I'll come pick you up."
I walked around the house making sure I had everything, one suitcase had essentials such as clothes, makeup, bath products etc the other had different beddings, cushions and decor I had bought.

Me: Pete, should I bring over any food I have? It'll end up going to waste if I don't. X
Pete♥️: Sure, that's fine x

I grabbed a shopping bag and filled it with any good foods.

Me: I'm ready. X
Pete♥️: I'll be there now xx

At this point I didn't care if Pete was my ex, if he was okay with me staying I'm okay with it.
I sat on the cold bare sofa staring at the black TV screen when Pete knocked at the door. "Alright?" He said and took both my suitcases and put them in car. When he came back into the house he said "what about your TV? Surely you can take that." "They didn't say what I can and can't take." I said sadly. "Well we'd might as well take the TV." He said and started unplugging the TV. "You go in the car, I've got this." He said as he picked up the TV. As he walked out I locked the door and put the bare keys under the door mat and texted the woman who had rang me

Me: I have left. The keys are under the door mat.

I got into the passenger seat and waited for Pete who was managing to fit the TV in the back seats.
"Got everything?" He said as he sat in the drivers seat. I nodded and turned on the radio, of course Fourth Of July came on. "Well I can let the guys know it's on the radio." Pete said smiling, he was proud but it was awkward. I started to hum and sing it quietly so Pete wouldn't notice.

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