Or not?

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A/N not as smutty beech x

Your POV (author)
You woke up, looking around, you didn't recognise anything. You turned to see a hot guy sleeping naked next to you. You realised you were naked! That's when it all came back to you, this was Pete and you were at his house.
Your moving around caused him to wake up "morning beautiful" he said in a sleepy voice "good morning"  you said cuddling up to him.
"Do you want anything, food wise?" Pete said sitting up. "No, no you stay here I'll go get us something" you said pulling the sheets with you. "Wait Y/N!" Pete calls "what?" You reply "you cant take the sheets with you! You might trip on them, take my shirt." He insists. You grab his shirt off the floor and start buttoning it half way up as you walked down the stairs. You looked for any food around the kitchen, you didn't know what Pete wanted so you put two Chicago Pizza Subs on in the oven. They only took 10 minutes to cook so it wasn't that bad.
As you walked back upstairs with the pizzas. Pete was still sat up in bed looking through what to watch on Netflix. "Should I put friends on?" He  asked as you entered the room "sure anything!" You said passing him the plate with pizza on. You came and sat next to him in the bed. "I'm sorry I don't wanna be awkward but what are we then?" You said nervously, you wanted to stay with Pete, you had fallen in love with him but you hoped he felt the same way. "Well what do feel about me, be 100% honest" "from the moment I saw you I fell in love and it was just a coincidence that you turned back to look at me. I feel safe with you and I know this may all be cringe but you said to be honest!" I said blushing "what do you think of me Pete?" Pete was blushing it was obvious "I feel the same way and I'm glad you do, I thought maybe you recognised me from my band and I panicked that you were a fan and I had just fucked a fan who was gonna say shit about it online causing articles and all" Said Pete. "Wait your in a band?" You asked curious. "Yeah I'm the bassist, back up singer and song writer for the band Fall Out Boy." He said and seemed to get enthusiastic about it! It was nice to see him getting enthusiastic! "I will definitely listen to the songs!"

You and Pete get to know more about each other and have long conversations about life and such.

"Will we make this official?" You ask holding Petes hand "of course I want to! I know we have recently met but I feel like I've known you for years!"
You and Pete just had a very chill day, just chatting until you knew everything about each other.

"Do you want to go out somewhere?" Pete said turning off the Tv. "Where? What's the time?" You said looking at your phone 3:52pm was the time. "Sure where can we go?" You said getting out of bed. "I don't know how about the beach or something?" Pete said also getting out of bed as well, forgetting he was completely naked. Of course this was your chance to look and he caught you looking and said "later i.." he stopped his sentence to get dressed. You both put on some casual clothes, nothing fancy.

Walking down to the beach Pete held your hand which caused fans to question and paparazzi to take pictures. When you got at the beach you realised it was more crowded than you thought so you scrapped the idea of the beach and went to the pizza place where you met. The pizza place wasn't really popular so when you arrived it was empty. You both ordered pizza and sat at a booth right at the back.

Petes POV
Y/N looked so hot omg she was wearing a crop top and a hoodie but I could see right through the crop to and all her neck being exposed made me really want to kiss her all over. Thinking of it all made me hard, and I think Y/N realised I was because my face had gone red and I smacked my hand on the table covering it. She looked under the table and noticed. She then looked back up at me and raised her eyebrow as she bit her lip and asked "what caused that then?" "You! I mean just look at you I just wanna kiss you all over and I want to fuck you so bad, your irresistible!" I said trying to not let the workers hear me. Y/N said nothing but grabbed my hand and we walked out, "my house or yours?" She asked "i don't mind which ever is closer" I replied eagerly.

A/N Oof I can't write for shit, I understand who's actually telling the shit it's kinda messed up and all but it's like fucking 1:00am for me 😂x

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