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It was just any other day for me. I had just walked into the one and only hell hole, also known as school, classroom before taking my seat at the back. I had one friend that was my room mate, Jisoo. Since my parents moved away permanently to start a new life without me (i was unloved), Jisoo took over the parent/sibling role. She sat next to me, giving a cup of coffee. I smiled and took it of her, both of us enjoying. We didn't need to talk. Our presence together just satisfied us. It wasn't long till we finished and students came flooding in, ruining our thoughts. The teacher also came in, a boy behind her. As everyone took their seats, the boy stepped foward.

"Ok class, this is a new student. Please introduce yourself."
He smirked.

"My name is Kim Taehyung."
Was all he said.

"Oh um well then Taehyung, sit in front of Jisoo please, that girl in the corner."
Great, the new boy was sitting at a diagonal angle from me, meaning now from the corner of his eye he would easily be able to see me eating cheese puffs.

He walked slowly, his hands in his blue denim jeans that showed his thic thighs.

Jisoo whispered to me, making me giggle a little.

Taehyung sat down, putting his Nike bag next to his chair. He eyed the whole classroom, scanning it with his dark brown, almost black, eyes. Then from the corner of my eye, I saw him staring at me. I turned to him, only to see him smile at me. Ofcourse I smiled back, not wanting to be rude. He then turned back to face the teacher.

It was now lunch. I was walking to the canteen when I saw the new boy looking around. He seemed a little lost. I smirked and walked towards him.

"Hey, you lost?"
I asked him, his full attention turning to me.

"Oh um yeh."
He scratched the back if his head.
"Where's a canteen? I'm supposed to meet some friends there."

"You already have friends?"
He nodded.

"That's the reason I moved here, our families are close."
I nodded.

"Ok, well the canteen is this way."

I led him to large hall filled with almost every single student eating their food.

"Oh, there they are."
He turned to me.
"Your y/n, aren't you?"
He asked, putting his hand out.

I shook it.

I watched him run to a table at the far end. My eyes widened as he jumped on a seat, right next to two boys.

Jimin and Jungkook.

The two boys who literally were known to commit only the worse. Teachers and students feared them. They were the bad boys of the school, the ones where they'd ditch a girl after having a hot moment in bed with them.
Jimin was the type to flirt and get girls without blinking. There's a rumour he has sex every.single.day. He's like a man slut. His thic thighs are what's one of the things almost every girl notices him, or even his plump lips and butt.
Jungkook on the other hand is a bit like that, except he enjoys one night stands rather than normal. His most attractive features are his doe eyes and his childlike bunny molars that stand out, making him seem like an innocent teenager, which is why his looks are deceiving.

I watched as Taehyung smirked and began messing around with Jungkook and Jimin, throwing food at eachother and even daring to have arm wrestles with them. He looked so different before.

I am deceived.

Jisoo handed me a pizza slice.
"Me too."

First chapter done.

This book is gonna be like the kind of ones I seriously like.

It's gonna include smut, but I'll warn you guys.




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