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I sat still, handcuffed staring at the psychopath in front of me. Tears kept flooding out whenever I turned my gaze to Jimin. He was gone. There was no way he would've survived a second shot like that in the heart. I could still hear Jungkook's breathing. I was desperate to help him.

"Bad idea y/n. Don't bother."
Taehyung said before bending down to my height.
"Or should I say, my true love?"
He grabbed my chin before pulling me closer.

As he traced his tongue allover my lips, I saw the gun behind him. Without a second thought, I put both my hands together before punching with both fists in Taehyung's privates. He screamed before falling onto the floor. I saw a key on the table next to him. Sighing I unlocked myself from the handcuffs, using my mouth to twist the key into the keyhole. I smirked once I was relieved. As Taehyung kept groaning in pain on the floor, I ran to Jungkook. Jimin was already gone, so I couldn't carry his body but Jungkook's because he was still alive. I held him by the arms and held him up, Jungkook groaning.

I gasped.

"Jungkook, gather all your strength. We're going to your basement."
I whispered so that Taehyung wouldn't hear.

As he began pushing himself to walk, I held the boy tightly. I got my phone out before ringing 999/911. As I told them what happened to Jungkook, I was going to tell them what Taehyung did. But the phone was snatched from my hand before I was body snatched. Taehyung was growling at me while staring at me. As he pushed me towards the door, he bent to Jungkook's ear. I watched him how he whispered into his ear, patting Jungkook's hair. Jungkook nodded before Taehyung ran towards me, grabbing my wrist.

I shouted.

He was struggling to get up.

I wanted to cry once I saw him cough blood. And that's what I did. All of my strength faded as I heard the police sirens. Taehyung had already pulled me into his grasp, carrying me bridal style. I was balling my eyes out as he put me in the car in the passenger seat. Taehyung began driving without saying anything. I heard him sigh before placing a hand on my head.

"It's ok now. Your mine, and mine only."
I saw him smirk from the corner of my eye.
"And if you defy me, you'll regret it."

I didn't understand what he meant by the last part. Regret what? And why would I? I'd do anything to get away from this psycho.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now