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Taehyung had left in the morning. I was confused. And it was also Jisoo's funeral. I didn't hate her. She was my best friend, even though she was fake towards me.

I sighed while heading to the taxi outside my house.

I wore a black dress that reached to my knees and black high heels. I wore a long black cloak that reached just above my knees along with a white scarf. As I sat inside, I smelled something. It wasn't normal. The car started. He began driving of somewhere. I didn't tell him where to go.

"Hey, I'm going somewhere specific."
I reached forward only to see bottles in his lap. My eyes widened.


"Your coming to my place!"
He laughed before a hiccup came out of his foul mouth.

I yelped when he drifted. I landed back in seat. As I looked out the window, I had an idea. As I was about the pull on the door handle, I heard a click sound.

"I've locked them!"
I wanted to scream.

I pulled one of my high heels off and smashed the window. He didn't seem to hear as the music was blasted on loud. I gathered my courage before jumping out. The last thing I saw was the grey colour of the road.

I woke up in a white room. I felt weak and tied up. My eyes drifted from the white ceiling to my arms and legs. I was covered in bandages except for me face and stomach. I looked like half a mummy.

I heard a shout.

I looked around myself only to see 3 familiar boys. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Are you ok?!"
They went to hug me, but a nurse stopped them, reminding them I don't need anymore injuries.

"I'm feeling ok-"

"I'm gonna kill him. Stupid drunk driver."
Jungkook clicked his knuckles.

"Job already taken care of."
Taehyung smirked before laughing of off.
We all stayed silent for a while.

That is until Jungkook became impatient and robbed me from the hospital. He set me on a wheel chair while Jimin watched for anybody. Taehyung was too busy hacking into the security system to block the cameras in our area. As we went down the stairs, people began chasing us.

"Fuck it."
Out of nowhere, Taehyung pulled me out of the chair and carried me to the car bridal style.

"What the-"
I was cut off when he threw my in the air.

"Language missy."
Jimin smirked as he caught me with a thump.

As he put me in the car, Taehyung fastened my seat belt while Jungkook started the car. Jungkook drove and Taehyung sat next to him. Jimin sat beside me. As soon as he doctor was about to smack the back of the car to stop us from moving, Jungkook had already began driving off. I began laughing hysterically at their desperation of helping me. That was until we pulled into Jungkook's driveway. Everything ended their.

All my happiness vanished at that moment.

Oof I'm gonna cry at what I'm gonna write 😯

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