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It was school today. I sighed loudly before throwing myself off the bed. I stood up and did my morning routine before getting changed and grabbing an apple. As I stepped outside I was suprised about the the figure standing outside my house.

"What are you doing Taehyung?"
He looked at me, but I his facial features suprised me.

He was smiling softly, his lips curling slightly into a grin. His cheeks were a tinted pink colour that were aggressively shown with his small dimples that shown around his mouth. I shook my head to stop myself from staring and repeated my question.

"Picking you up ofcourse. Let's go."
He said before grabbing my hand.

I still hate him.

"I can walk by myself."
I pulled my hand from him, but he held it with a tight grip.

He didn't say anything but carried on walking with me. A few times, his arm brushed against mine, making my cheeks burn. I wasn't used to this.

Where is Jimin?

I sighed heavily as we reached the school. I tried getting my hand out of his grasp but it was no use. Then Taehyung suddenly pulled me behind the wall where no one was. He pushed me on the wall, staring into my eyes. I gritted my teeth before trying to push him, but it was no use. How the hell did he get stronger over night? I don't know. I stopped and looked back at him. He was staring at me with a serious look, no smirk or smile. Just a straight face that then came closer. His lips touched my ear.

"Jimin isn't coming to school today. Neither is Jungkook. For the whole day your mine."
My eyes widened as he brought his lips to mine.

I couldn't stop him this time. He had both my hands held against the wall tighter than the day before. I wanted to scream but I was taken by suprise once he bit my bottom lip, giving entrance for his tongue. I moaned before realising what I just did. I blushed as he opened his eyes only to look back at mine. I saw him smirk before pulling away. He towered over me as if I was a small nothing compared to him. I gasped for air and breathed heavily before he grabbed my chin, making me face his. He brought his lips closer again. One hand held both my hands above me as the other held my face. He traced his tongue over my bottom lips before kissing me softly and grabbing my head. Once again he wanted more than just a mere kiss. This time I bit his lip harshly. The feeling took over me to the point where I wanted him to feel something. He groaned before opening his mouth, letting me slip my tongue in. We both moved in sync as we had a war with our tongues. Ofcourse he won over me. But once we pulled away, the bell rang. We both gasped desperately for air.

"You enjoyed that."
He said before pulling me closer to his chest.
"Don't lie."

My eyes closed as I was wrapped in his warm embrace. His arms held me tightly as his head rested on my. My legs were going weak as I kept blinking slowly. Suddenly, I felt myself falling asleep. But four words repeated themselves in my head.

Do I hate him?

Ok guys, so I'm guessing to add a plot twist. Should I or not?

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now