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As we all walked together towards the arcade, I was still disturbed by the image of Taehyung's smile when he spoke about Taeyeon. It wasn't like an innocent smile, but more of a grin that would only be like that if you were happy. Surely he didn't hate her more than I did. We all walked inside the arcade; Jimin and Jungkook instantly running towards the car racing games. I sighed before walking to the gun game. I had to shoot all the zombie's heads. But as I sat down on the seat, I felt a weight push the back of my chair. I turned around only to see Taehyung's hands on the back of my chair. I didn't think much of about it as I had already paid. As I positioned the gun, I began aiming, perfectly hitting them. Although on the 2nd wave I lost all my team mates and my own life in the game. I groaned once the game over sign appeared on the screen. I heard a chuckled from the boy behind me.

"Why don't you have a go?"
He smirked at me before sitting down and putting a coin in the machine.

I watched as Taehyung fixed the gun into his arms. I only had noticed how his muscles flexed through his shirt. I shook my head before focusing on his aim. I looked at how his eye was exactly looking into the lense of the gun, aiming at the zombies. I gulped as the 2nd wave came around. Suprisingly, Taehyung had killed half the monsters within less a split second.

"I know, I'm amazing."
He smirked at me before sliding his hand from my arm to my shoulder.

"What the hell?"
I jumped back from him only to see an annoyed expression.
"What was with that?"

"It's called flirting if you didn't know. Twirl your hair while speaking to me."
I tilted my head.

W-what is he talking about?

I shook my head and sat on another game thingamajiga.

"Let's play a two player game."
I suggested as Taehyung sat next to me.

He nodded as we both held the controls in our hands. As our characters fought eachother, I couldn't help but laugh at Taehyung's anger. But slowly he began getting annoyed. As I won the last round, he stood up, putting the control down. In a swift move, he pulled me up before pulling me away to an empty hallway. I stayed quiet as I was in a little shock. I was suddenly pushed again the wall by his strong figure. My eyes widened as his face came closer as his hands held mine above my head. He held both my hands in one hand and his other hand smacked against the wall, less than a few centimetres away from my face. He smirked before his hand trailed to my face. He caressed my lips before opening his mouth.

"Let's play another game."
He said before his lips roughly smashed onto mine.

My eyes widened in shock at what he was doing, I gathered my strength before trying to push him.

Wtf is he doing?!

I finally punched his stomach making the boy pull away. He stared at me with anger in his dark brown orbs. He shook his head before grabbing my colar.

"Your mine, mine only. If anyone dares to lay a hand on you, I will destroy them."

Hey guys. The drama has started 😄

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