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It was 10am. I woke up at 10am. Taehyung was still asleep next to me. I gulped remembering last night. I had no more clothes since he literally ripped them apart. Without hesitation, I quickly put my bra back on and threw my underwear in the bin. I looked around myself. Oh yeh, we had sex on the sofa. I shook my head before looking around to cover my butt and the front part that- my pussy. I sighed when I saw a towel. I quickly wrapped it around my waist.

I turned around only to be met with a hard chest.

I looked up. Taehyung was staring down at me, his bare chest still sweaty. I gulped when he grabbed my hand, making the towel fall. I didn't dare speak. He literally killed my two best friends and fucked me yesterday with no mercy. He suddenly picked me up making me squeek. He began carrying me up the stairs and towards a room door. He kicked it open. There were pictures of Taehyung when he was a baby and now. I was guessing this was his room.

"We're having a shower. No complaining."
He said while walking towards another door that was inside the bedroom.

It was his own bathroom. He put me down on the floor before taking my bra off. I gasped when his placed his lips on my nape. He began sucking and biting making me moan and wince in pain and pleasure. I opened my eyes when he stopped, only to see a purple mark. I touched it.

"Now everyone will know your mine."
He whispered before kissing me and pulling me into the shower.

Taehyung had gone out to get my clothes. He had given me a long shirt and shorts of his own. He literally locked every window and door including the garden door. Not like I'm gonna go in the alley way. But an idea came to my head. I'm sure my phone was still in my coat pocket. I ran to my coat. My phone wasn't in there. I wanted to cry. There was literally no source of help-


I ran to the kitchen before opening the fridge with force. I saw all sorts of goodies to eat. But then I saw pies. YUMMY BITCH. I smirked before taking one out and putting it in the oven.

"How the heck does this work oven work- Oh got it!"
I smiled before putting the gas on.

Just as I did so, I heard the front door open. Ignoring it I carried on staring at the pies through the transparent glass. As I focused on them, I didn't notice that a hand had poked my shoulder.

I turves around only to see Taehyung staring down at me.
"Here you go. Go get changed."
He said before kissing my for head.

I nodded and ran up the stairs to his room. That's the only room I actually knew my way around about since all the rooms were big. I sighed before looking in the bag Taehyung gave me. Inside there was quite a few outfits. He chose a decent pajamas. They were baby pink and had food prints on them. Then there was my day clothes; one was an absolutely amazing dress that would reach to the knees. It was red with a darker shade of red frills around it making it seem hard to good look in. Then there were the casual ones. A few pairs or shorts and jeans with a lot of shirts, coats and jackets. He even bought underwear and my bras from my house. I wanted to cry so bad. I began taking my clothes off until I was I naked. I slipped on my underwear and bra on before changing into some shorts and a hoodie. I then smelled something strange...


I know it doesn't seem like much for now.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now