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As I began walking to my school, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around only to be met with the gaze of Taehyung. I narrowed my eyes at him before walking away silently. I heard him chuckle before the footsteps came closer to mine.

"Not even a good morning?"
I shook my head.
"I thought we were friends."

"You thought we were friends. We're not."
I sighed before looking at him.
"I've already got a friend."

"Oh? And who's that?"

"Park Jimin."
I smiled before walking away.

Jimin Pov

I watched how y/n said that I was hee friend. It made me smile as Taehyung was left alone.

Does he like her?!

He looked at me before grinning.
"Do you like y/n?"

"I don't know."
He smirked before seeing Taeyeon running up to him.

She smiled at him before smashing lips onto his. But I never expected Taehyung to push her away. My eyes widened once he wiped his lips in disgust.


"We're breaking up."
He said.

My eyes widened as well as Taeyeon's. She had tears in her eyes before pulling his hand.

She cried.

"I don't like you anymore."
He said blankly before pulling me by the shoulder.
"Let's go. Jungkook's gonna be waiting."

I looked back at Taeyeon only to see her scribbling something on a piece of paper.

We all sat in our usual places, Jisoo with Taeyeon and Jungkook, Taehyung and I all together. Y/n sat behind me, occasionally kicking my leg to get some answers. I would pass her a piece of paper and she would exchange answers with me. I looked at Taeyeon only to see her staring at y/n with a drag stare.

"Sir, I need to go to the toilet."
Taeyeon yelled before standing up and walking by y/n.

I saw a note drop by y/n's foot. But before y/n could pick it up, I grabbed it just in time.

"I think this is for me."
I whispered making her role her eyes.

As I turned around to the front, I turned my gaze from the teacher to the crumpled piece of paper. As I unraveled the paper, I note was written down.

Meet me in the cafeteria after school.

I tilted my head before throwing it away, making sure I go instead. Y/n kicked my leg. I sighed before giving another answer.

The whole day I kept an eye on Y/n. I left her alone just incase she felt uncomfortable with me around. It was also at that time when I saw Taeyeon eyeing her. I walked to the roof after checking Y/n walked out the school. I turned around only to see Taeyeon's back.

"You idiot. Just wait till I'm done with you."
I watched as she pulled a knife out.
"I hope you die slowly-"
As she turned around, her face only showed a shook and angered expression.

My eyes widened as she pulled the knife away.
"What do you mean you were going to kill y/n?!"
I shouted, making her flinch.

Taehyung Pov

I watched everything. The way how Taeyeon ran away and cried. I watched how Jimin groaned in frustration and walked down the stairs. I followed behind him as I quietly hid behind objects. I watched him as he walked to Y/n's house.

"Are you ok?"
He asked multiple times as she nodded.
"Just call if you need anything, ok?"

"Yeh I know. See ya."
She smiled lightly at him before shutting the door.

Jimin sighed before he walked away, his small hands gripping onto his bag. I smirked, remembering where Taeyeon lived.

Ooooooo I'm not giving any hints of what's gonna happen. 😄

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now