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I walked back to class after being cleaned up in the infirmary. I got changed into black leggings and a baby blue sweater that went down to my hips. I sighed before walking in the classroom, all eyes coming my way. Jisoo pulled me to my seat, checking my face for any scars. Thankfully there wasn't.

"Why are you so late?"
Taehyung leaned back on my desk.

"Shutup before I kick your chair."
He turned around, enlightened by my reply.

"Awww is someone on their perio- WOAH!!!"

Before he could finish, I threw my foot against the legs of his chair making him fling foward. His face hit the floor, his hands slapping harshly against the floor. Everyone gasped, including the teacher. Jimin, Jungkook, Jisoo and Taeyeon put their eyes on me, all four of them glaring intensely. I felt bad as Taehyung stood up. He turned to me before smirking. He pulled his chair back and sat down.

The lesson went on normally as if nothing happened.

It was finally break. As everyone stood up and left, I sat still in my seat. I couldn't stand from all the tension built up inside of my brain. I was too scared to move. Jisoo on the other hand left to get orange juice for the both of us. I sighed as the classroom emptied, or so I thought. I looked around only to see Taehyung in the corner of the room, a lollipop in his mouth. He shut the door, pulling the lollipop through his pink lips.

"What's up with you?"
He asked me.

"Things that I don't think you would care about."
He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your a little bitch you know? And why are you dressed like that? You weren't like that this morning."
I shook my head.

I sighed quite loudly.

"I don't care about your problems to be honest."

"And I don't care about existence so if you don't mind I wanna wait in silence for Jisoo."
He sat in his seat and turned to me.

"You usually go with her. What stopped you this time?"
I rolled my eyes.

I heard Taeyeon run inside.
"What are you doing with that bitch?!"
She pointed to me.

"Just asking a question."
He shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you sure she never did anything to you?!"
Stop shouting you idiot...

"She's probably the last person to do that."
I could tell Taehyung hated the way how Taeyeon is like this.

"But Taehyung! She's a disgusting person! Stay away from her-"

He looked at her in the eyes.
"Go with your friends."
He shooed her away before sending me a glare.

I questioned him.

"Nothing. I know your hiding something."
He walked over.
"And I feel it has something to do with those clothes."

"Don't you dare touch me or my clothes or my bag or I'll kill you."
I threatened him, secretly knowing that I can barely move.

"You haven't moved one bit."
I sighed as he kept on making points.

"Yeh well cause I don't want to."
He rolled his eyes before walking up to me.

With a swift move, he pulled my arms and pulled me up, my sleeves falling down which then led to reveal my scars. He smirked before shoving me to the floor. I gasped for air once my wounds began bleeding again. I clenched my fists before backing up into the corner, weakly standing up after. As I kept one eye open, Taehyung's figure came closer before I could make out the smirk on his face.

"Can't kill me now, can you?"
He pulled my chin up before coming closer to me.
"Don't mess with me again."

He let go of my face, patting my head after. I felt horror as Jisoo walked inside, throwing an apple at me while staring in anger. I looked at her weakly before she came closer.

"I can't believe you. First you call them horrible and now you decided to piss him off this much."
She walked out, leaving me in a weak state.

Luckily the blood couldn't be seen by anyone as long as I didn't make it obvious. I walked towards my bag, picking it up. I walked out the school gates quietly before limping to my house that was shared with Jisoo. I sighed before opening the door, the creaking echoing through the halls. I walked inside, shutting the door behind me. I sat on the sofa and pulled my leggings and sweater off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I almost screamed once I saw blood everywhere. I pulled the packet of tissues that sat in front of me. As I began pressing and wiping, I felt pain and anger.

Jisoo, Taehyung and Taeyeon your motherfuckers.

True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now