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I walked into school, Jisoo walking by my side. She wasn't in school when Taeyeon moved, so I decided to tell her that she wasn't in.

"You do realise I know how she looks. The whole school has instagram you know."
She smirked before patting my head.
"And I don't want to touch her now."

"Oh thank God. But why?"
I asked.

"Cause, she looks too much like a Queenka."
I rolled my eyes.

"She's nothing but a bitch, Jisoo."

We walked into our class. It was empty as usual, so we sat in our normal seats. I sat on Jisoo's desk as we chatted. Soon enough, the teacher came storming in, the children walking in behind him. I eyed Taeyeon. She wore a smirk once she saw me wearing leggings instead of shorts. She knew I needed to cover my bruises up. I sat in my seat as all the others did so. I watched as Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin walked in together, all smiling and giggling. Jungkook looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Jisoo tapped my elbow.

"He's mine."
She giggled, knowing why he smiled at me.

"Not if I steal him."
I smirked before she slapped me.

The teacher yelled, his growling voice echoing.

Many children burst into laughter before getting their text books out. We all began listening and writing down notes. But from the corner of my eye, I could see two boys, staring at me silently...

It was lunch. At this moment I had quite the shock.

"Hey y/n. Do you wanna sit with us?"
Jimin asked me, a small smile placed on his lips.

"No thankyou."
I blankly said, waking to the dinner line.
"I want to eat in peace in the classroom."
I smiled at him while linking Jisoo's arm.
"With a real friend."

He stared at me with an annoyed look. He walking up to me, the girls making room for him to push in. What wierdos.

"Your supposed to say yes or even squeel."
He said, leaning against the wall.

"Oh I'm sorry, have you not noticed? I'm not a possessive bitch who screams whenever they see a guy."
I pushed past him, Jisoo was too struck by his butt.

Jimin smirked once he saw Jisoo looking.

"How about you? Would you like to sit with us?"
He asked her, grabbing her chin.

"No Jisoo."

She screamed.

Jimin smirked and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and got my lunch, a salad and for pudding a cupcake with a nutella filling. Doesn't match at all. I began walking to the classroom, but I could hear Jisoo shouting.

"Hey! This is an opportunity."
She turned me around by my shoulder.

"No it isn't. I'm not risking getting my arm broken by some bitch for three complete idiots."
I smacked her hand away.

"They aren't idiots y/n."
I heard Taeyeon.
"It's just that you can't bring yourself to admit that your the dumb one."

Jisoo said, covering her mouth after that.

I threw my lunch at Taeyeon's feet before heading to the classroom, swinging my arms.

Taeyeon shouted.

I suddenly felt a cold air hit my leg. I gasped and looked at me leggings. They were ripped. I heard Taeyeon laughing insanely, only to see her holding a pair of scissors. I ignored her and walked to the infirmary. I sat on an empty bed before grabbing a needle and thread that sat on the table opposite me. I began stitching the leggings, slowly to make sure I wouldn't cut my leg. I kept them on so no one would see my panties, duh.

I looked up to see Taehyung walking up to me.
"What are you doing?"

"Nothing you need to know. Why are you here?"
He sat opposite me.

"I'm here cause Jungkook told me you where hurt from yesterday cause of Taeyeon."
My eyes widened.

"What? No. Nothing like that happened."
I sighed before pulling the thread, the leggings were all stitched up.
"I'm going now."

"Where? You threw your lunch on the floor when you were arguing with Taeyeon."
I turned around only to see him walking towards me.
"Are you ok?"

I was suddenly pushed onto the wall, Taehyung's hands gripping onto my shoulders. Even as I my heartbeat was already raising, he put a hand on my neck, stroking it while staring me into the eyes. He then place the same hand onto my arm, rolling the sleeves up. He stared my arm.

"What are you doing?"
I pulled my arm away.

"She did hurt you."
He smiled at me before walking away.
"Make sure you come to class. I was bored yesterday."
He walked out.


My heart rate raised when I wrote this. Just imagining that Taehyung would do this to made my heart flutter.💨💨💨💫💫💫

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