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I stared at Taehyung in disgust before putting my hand on his hand that was still holding my colar.

"Let go of me. Your disgusting brat."
I spat at him before throwing his hand away.

His eyes widened before he pushed me harshly on the wall again. This time I fought back, kicking him. I could tell he was in pain as I kicked his shin quite hard. He groaned before grabbing my face. He squished my cheeks before pinching my left cheek seriously hard. I groaned in pain before he let go.

"There we go, your punishment."
He smirked before taking my hand, pressing his baby pink lips onto it.

"You disgust me. You literally just broke up with Taeyeon. Am I some sort of rebound?"
I rolled my eyes before walking away.
"To think you were actually ok."

He called out. I sighed before turning around.

The boy made a heart with both of his hands together. He smiled sweetly, a smile that could melt anyone's heart. My heart sank of what I had just said to him. But ofcourse, the feeling wore off.

"Don't fool me. Your only fooling yourself."
With that, I turned around, walking away.

I sat in bed quietly. I had my laptop on my lap as I was laying back on my bed. As I was enjoying the videos I was watching and the warmth of the entanglement of the bed sheets, I felt a little creeped out of Taehyung's words repeating in my mind.

"Your mine, mine only. If anyone dares to lay a hand on you, I will destroy them."

His voice back then was a serious. I shook my head as my mind fled to Taeyeon. I was invited to her funeral, but I didn't know whether to go or not. After a long period of thinking, I decided I wouldn't go. The last thing I would want was to cry for her. I sat back after putting my laptop away. I was hungry, but too lazy to move. My stomach growled for food, so I has no choice but to get up. I walked down to the kitchen and opened the fridge only to see nothing but milk. I then opened all the freezers and cupboards. There were only spices and things that you cook with, for example, flour. I quickly got dressed into something warm and put my coat on along with my trainers. I tied my hair into a loose ponytail before heading out the house.

The wind hit my face as I stepped out.

After locking the door, I began walking to the local grocery shops around the corner from my house. But once I reached their, my eyes widened. There were police and two familiar girls screaming and crying. They were Jisoo's new friends. My eyes widened once I saw a very familiar face. Her neck was bleeding as her lifeless body was held by the ambulance crew.

One of the girls cried.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but then I saw a tall figure from the alley way right next to the incidence. The figure was staring straight at me. I kept quiet as the figure turned and began walking away.

Is that the murderer?


True Lovers; Kim Taehyung (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now