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I sighed as the door opened, only to reveal Jisoo with a bag of noodles.

"Y/n I'm sor-"
I put my hand out.

"Your such a fake ass friend."
I said, pulling the dressing gown around me to cover my body.
"I thought you would've stuck by my side but you didn't. I'm giving you one last chance."

She ran towards me and bear hugged me from the back.
"I swear to not do it again."
I suddenly heard screaming outside.

"What's that?"
Jisoo lightly smiled.

"Oh...I invited a bit of the school."
She ran towards the door, but before she could open it, I ran in my room.

I locked my room and hid ever so quietly. I heard footsteps running around and screaming. Then all of a sudden, I heard Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook all laughing.

"Is this where y/n lives?"
I heard Jimin ask.

"Yeh, I've been here a couple of times."
Jungkook replied.
"Only cause she's my cousin. Oh look, that's her room!"

"Fuck you Jungkook."
I muttered under my breath.

"Open up Y/n!!!"
Jungkook slammed open my door, breaking the lock.

There they stood, no one near them but only them. And here I sat on my bed in my baby pink dressing gown.

"GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!"

I pushed them all out before slamming the door shut before putting all sorts of things to block anyone from coming inside. I sighed as I heard nothing. But then I realised my favourite picture of me and my parents hung in the living room.

Please don't be ruined...

I opened the door only to see Jungkook there but no one else. He pushed me inside the room and locked it.

"You can't go out dressed like that."

"Seriously Jungkook?! My parents picture is in the living room!"

He went through my wardrobe before pulling out a crop top and and shorts.

"Oh wait, we need something that will cover those stupid scars Taeyeon made."
He sighed before pulling out some black jeans with a blue turtle neck with long sleeves.

"Does Taehyung know about what Taeyeon did to me?"
He shook his head.

"He just thinks that it's because of P.E."
I nodded but sighed in relief.

I would be dead because of Taeyeon if he found out. I sighed and told Jungkook to turn around as I got changed.

"This fine?"
He nodded.

"Let's go now."
He grabbed my hand before opening the door.

We walked down the stairs. I sighed as I saw the family picture all fine. Jungkook took it down and went upstairs to put it in my room. I then gasped once I saw a tall familiar figure. Taehyung was sitting on my kitchen table where I eat my food. He was eating my chicken wings that were supposed to be for my midnight snack.

I turned around.
"You have a nice house here."

"Get out my house Taeyeon."
I snarled, looking at her 100 layered makeup face.

"Oh would you look at this!"
She took a picture of me and someone.
"Who's this handsome guy? And why is he standing next to you? OH!! Is he your boyfriend?!"

"Someone you don't need to know about."
I said, pulling the picture of her, but she still held onto it.

"Too bad those little scars and wounds of yours made you weak!"
She pulled out a pen from her bra and began drawing on that someone's face.

I pulled the picture out of her hands before looking at the picture.

Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes when she scribbled his face out. I heard Jungkook's voice gasp behind me.

"What? It's just a wierdo with a guy standing next to her. I just made it look better."
She giggled a bit.

The whole room went silent once I screamed Taeyeon's name once again, making her flinch.

"Get the hell out of my house."
I said.

"Erm, no."
She giggled before smacking the out of picture out my hand.
"I just-"

I slapped her face harshly before turning to everyone.
Everyone began rushing out, except for Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jisoo.

I stared at Jisoo. She looked back at me, fear in her eyes. I smirked at her before walking towards her. I put my hand in her pocket.

"Your not living here anymore. This is mine and my parent's house, not yours so leave. I'll deliver your stuff in a truck tomorrow."
Her eyes widened once I took the keys out of her pocket.

"But y/n-"

"Get out now."
She began crying before walking out.

It hurt my heart, but I had to. The little girl hurt me too many times. I then turned to the three boys. I looked at Jungkook before sighing.

"Please go..."
I said before tears dropped from my eyes.
"Oh shit..."
I gasped before rubbing my eyes aggressively.

I heard Jimin say.

I then heard the fading of footsteps.

But when I opened my eyes, there stood Jimin. He walked over towards me before putting a strand of hair behind my ear. He picked the picture up.

"Let me help you with this."
He whispered softly before putting it down.
"It'll help alot."

And I regretted it.

Next chapter will be smut. Yep. You already know what it is...


But I'm 13 so whatever 😎

Well to be honest, it won't really be smut but it'll be a bit of a mature thing but whatever.

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