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Jimin Pov
As I began walking to school, I saw y/n walking with Jisoo.

I shouted.

She turned around only to glare at me, but her friend Jisoo almost fell. Typical. Honestly, does every girl have to be like that? It annoys me so much. I know it shouldn't but it just does.

I looked in front of me and y/n stood there.

Just as I was about to wrap my arms around her, she put her hands in front of her.

"I never asked for a hug dude. I asked if you were wondering if Taehyung would be up to do the upcoming school project with Jisoo. I'm probably gonna do it with someone else since the teacher never pairs me with her. It's obvious your gonna do the project with Jungkook."
I rolled my eyes.

"I'll ask him."
With that, y/n nodded and began walking away.
"Y/n don't leave me alone!"
I whined before a felt someone jump on my back.

He got off me before walking beside me.

"What were you talking to Y/n about?"
I shook my head.

"She was just asking about the project. Do you like y/n, as in like, like?"
He shook his head.
"I don't know what this feeling is Jungkook. Whenever I see her, I wanna hug her till the works ends."

"Awwwww....but you probably just miss her cause you both used to be best friends."
He patted my head before waking in front.
"Hurry up tiny."

"Shutup bastard."
I said while catching up to him.

Y/n Pov

I turned around only to see Jisoo blushing.

"What's up?"
I asked her.

"Jungkook is behind me."
She blushed even harder as she finished her sentence.

"Oh shutup. He's just an idiot. I don't get why people fall for those idiots."
She slapped my arm as I rolled my eyes.

"They have amazing looks."

"Yeh Yeh whatever."

Before we new it, the school was in front of us. I could see Taeyeon standing from far, staring at me. I walked inside and went to the bathroom while Jisoo went to classroom to so her homework. She couldn't bothered to walk all the way to the bathroom. Lazy. As I walked inside the bathroom only to be greeted by Taeyeon.

"Hey y/n!"
She smiled at me before waving.
"Have you been listening to me? Remember I told you to stay away from Taehyung."
I rolled my eyes at her before walking into a stall and did my business.

As I walked out, I was suddenly pushed on the floor. I looked up only to see Taeyeon. I waited for the next kick or punch, but what came was worse. She pulled out a pen and began scratching my arms and legs till the skin teared. I cried in pain as her friends held me down, laughing.

She kicked me before leaving with her minions.

I sat quietly crying, my head in my hands. I could hear the school bell ringing, signalling for the first lesson. I couldn't go. I didn't want to. I was too injured. Just then, when my tears were about to stop, the door flung open to Jisoo walking inside.

"Y/n- What happened?!"
She ran towards me before pulling out some tissues she had in her bags.
"Shhhh don't cry..."
But then she began crying.
"Y/n your making me cry!"
I smiled once I saw her cry.

The pain just went away.

After knowing that Jisoo came back for me, I couldn't help but smile at her. She smiled back, both of us giggling shortly after. As I was helped up, I remembered what Taeyeon said.


I hated his girlfriend. I despised him and his girlfriend. I despised everything about him.

I hated Him.


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